What’s on Shelby County’s Nov. 8 ballot?

Published 3:39 pm Monday, November 7, 2016



Shelby County voters will have a chance to cast their ballots for several contested races ranging from the White House to a seat on the Shelby County Commission on Nov. 8.

Polls will be open throughout Shelby County from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. on Nov. 8, and local results will be posted on ShelbyCountyReporter.com as they are released at the Shelby County Courthouse after the polls close.

In addition to voting for or against 14 proposed statewide constitutional amendments, county voters will cast their ballots in the following contested races during the election:


U.S. President and Vice President

-Hillary Clinton and Timothy Kaine (D)

-Donald Trump and Michael Pence (R)

-Gary Johnson and William Weld (I)

-Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka (I)


United States Senate

-Ron Crumpton (D)

-Richard Shelby (R)


United States Representative, 6th Congressional District

-David Putman (D)

-Gary Palmer (R)


Shelby County Commission District 2

-Kenneth Dukes (D)

-Tommy Edwards (R)


Proposed Shelby County local amendments


Proposed local amendment 1:

Relating to Shelby County; proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to provide procedures for nominations to the Governor by the Shelby County Judicial Commission to fill vacancies in the office of judge of probate.


Proposed local amendment 2:

Relating to Shelby County, proposing an amendment to Amendment 804 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to revise the term of office of a person appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of circuit or district judge in the 18th Judicial Circuit so that the term will correspond with the general provisions of Section 153 of the Constitution.


Below is a sample Shelby County ballot for the Nov. 8 election (Click for full-size image):



Shelby Sample.indd