Columbiana Water approves contract
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 19, 2002
The Columbiana Water Works
Board recently executed a five-year contract
to sell water to the Westover Water Authority and set a $100 water service deposit
for both
homeowners and renters.
At its Tuesday, Nov. 12 meeting, the board voted unanimously to approve a resolution to execute a five-year contract
for the sale of water to the Westover Water Authority.
Under the terms of the contract, the Columbiana Water Works Board will sell the Westover Water Authority 300 gallons of water per minute
at a rate of $1.95 per 1,000 gallons.
Also according to the contact, after five years, the Westover Water Authority may continue to purchase the water at a rate which will double every 30 days unless the Columbiana Water Works Board and the Westover Water Authority
agree to a contract extension.
Signing the contract for the Westover Water Authority were Bryce Collins, vice chairman, and Charles Turner, chairman. And signing for the Columbiana Water Works Board were John Farr, chairman, and Board members Ty Sockwell and Allan Lowe.
In other matters, the board:
Voted unanimously to set a water deposit fee of $100 for both renters and homeowners. In the past, the deposit free for water service was only charged to renters. The deposit is fee was set to go into effect on Nov. 18.
Agreed to investigate a reported water leak that Glenda Mayfield of Buie Road said caused her septic tank to back up into her house.;
Asked Bobby and Van Holcombe to make a proposal to use 165 acres of the board’s property for cattle grazing