Vincent calendar changed due to exams
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 12, 2003
The Vincent school calendar was changed due to mandates from the State Department of Education regarding the dates of when the Alabama High School Graduation Exam is given.
According to Cindy Warner, spokesperson for Shelby County Schools, in the past, Vincent Schools were granted waivers to take the exam at a different date because they were always on intercession break during the testing weeks.
This year, we requested waivers for testing dates that were scheduled for September and March because Vincent is on intercession during both of those testing weeks.
Beginning next school year, the State Department of Education will no longer be giving waivers and has mandated that the testing dates have to coincide statewide.
The principals and assistant principals at the Vincent area schools were asked to look at the year-round calendars and make recommendations of how to rearrange the intercession periods in order to meet the state requirements for testing dates.
The principals formed committees to study the calendar and sought input from faculty, parents and members of the community.
According to Superintendent of Education Evan Major, the calendar that was submitted to him is the one that was recommended by the Vincent school administrators.
&uot;The Vincent calendar that was submitted to me from the Vincent community,&uot; Major said.
&uot;It is my understanding that input was sought and received from that community regarding the proposed changes to the calendar.
The calendar that was recommend to the board for approval is the one that was submitted to me.&uot;
Vincent Elementary School Principal Patricia Corbett and Vincent Middle/High School Principal Gary Minnick responded that they each sought input from their faculty regarding the proposed changes that were being made.
Both principals said they have fielded only one or two complaints from faculty about the changes.
&uot;Most everyone understands that these changes had to be made in order for us to be in session when the state graduation exam is given,&uot; said Vincent High School Principal Gary Minnick