City Council Minutes for December 21, 2005

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 20, 2005


November 1, 2005

The Town Council of the Town of Vincent, Alabama met in regular session on November 1, 2005 at 7:10 P.M. Mayor Allen called the meeting to order and Johnny Edwards opened the meeting with prayer.

Present were: Mayor Terry Allen, Council Member Larry King, Council Member Ernest Kidd, Council Member Johnny Edwards, Town Clerk Becky Landers

Absent: Council Member Mary Lee Reynolds, Council Member Billy Raye Moore

Mayor Allen declared a quorum present.

Mike Smiley had submitted a purchase request for several fire car and fire truck items. A motion was made by Johnny Edwards and seconded by Ernest Kidd to deny this request as they need to be submitted to the Fire Committee first for approval. A roll call vote was taken and the vote was a unanimous, &8220;yes&8221;.

Shelby Baptist Medical Center sent a letter asking the Town of Vincent to support the State Health Planning and Development Agency concerning the Certificate of Need for an open-heart surgery and related cardiac care center at its hospital in Alabaster. Resolution 2005-006 was passed unanimously by roll call vote in support of the cardiac health care center.

A new rezoning application and form was presented by the Mayor along with the recommendation we raise our rezoning application fee from $150.00 to $200.00. The form also states the applicant will be responsible for necessary fees incurred for legal posting in the newspaper and certified mail notifications. A motion was made by Johnny Edwards and seconded by Larry King to accept the form and applicant fee costs as stated. A roll call vote was taken and the vote was a unanimous, &8220;yes&8221;.

The Police Department are in need of two dual band radars with mounting brackets for the 1998 & 1999 Crown Victoria police cars. Officer David Latimer obtained a price quote from PB Electronics of $710.00 each. A motion was made by Ernest Kidd and seconded by Larry King to purchase the two radars. A roll call vote was taken and the vote was a unanimous, &8220;yes&8221;.

A motion was made by Johnny Edwards and seconded by Ernest Kidd to adjourn. Time 8:10 P.M.


November 15, 2005

The regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Westover, Alabama is held in the Town of Westover, Town Hall in Westover, Alabama at 7:00 p.m. on November 15, 2005, at the regular place for such regular sessions.

Upon roll call, the Mayor declares a Quorum present and the regular session open for transaction of business.

In attendance are:

Councilmembers Ed Bahr, Jeanne Champion Fisch, Larry Riggins, Annette Tyler, and Mayor Mark McLaughlin


Councilmember Susan Strickland



Mayor McLaughlin presents an ordinance for annexation of property into the municipal limits of Westover, Alabama.

Ordinance 2005-11-15-062 is read into the minutes by clerk Jones.

After reading, Councilmember Riggins moves to suspend rules to accept the presented ordinance; a second is given by Councilmember Tyler.

Being no discussion a roll call vote is taken and the vote to suspend rules is as follows:

YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlim; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

The mayor presents the ordinance to the council for consideration.

Councilmember Riggins moves to adopt and Councilmember Bahr seconds.

Being no discussion the vote is as follows: YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

Ordinance 2005-11-15-062 is adopted.

Mayor McLaughlin presents an ordinance for annexation of property into the municipal limits of Westover, Alabama.

Ordinance 2005-11-15-063, property is described by clerk Jones.

After reading, Councilmember Riggins moves to suspend rules to accept the presented ordinance; a second is given by Councilmember Champion Fisch.

Being no discussion a roll call vote is taken and the vote to suspend rules is as follows: YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin

NAYS: None ;ABSENT: Strickland

The mayor presents the ordinance to the council for consideration.

Councilmember Riggins moves to adopt and Councilmember Bahr seconds.

Being no discussion the vote is as follows: YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

Ordinance 2005-11-15-063 is adopted.

Mayor McLaughlin presents an ordinance for annexation of property into the municipal limits of Westover, Alabama.

Ordinance 2005-11-15-064, property is described by clerk Jones.

After reading, Councilmember Riggins moves to suspend rules to accept the presented ordinance; a second is given by Councilmember Tyler.

Being no discussion a roll call vote is taken and the vote to suspend rules is as follows:

YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

The mayor presents the ordinance to the council for consideration.

Councilmember Riggins moves to adopt and Councilmember Champion FischBahr seconds.

Being no discussion the vote is as follows: YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

Ordinance 2005-11-15-064 is adopted.

Mayor McLaughlin presents an ordinance for annexation of property into the municipal limits of Westover, Alabama.

Ordinance 2005-11-15-065, property is described clerk Jones.

After reading, Councilmember Riggins moves to suspend rules to accept the presented ordinance; a second is given by Councilmember Tyler.

Being no discussion a roll call vote is taken and the vote to suspend rules is as follows:

YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

The mayor presents the ordinance to

the council for consideration.

Councilmember Tyler moves to adopt and Councilmember Bahr seconds.

Being no discussion the vote is as follows:

YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

Ordinance 2005-11-15-065 is adopted.

Mayor McLaughlin presents an ordinance for annexation of property into the municipal limits of Westover, Alabama.

Ordinance 2005-11-15-066, property is described by clerk Jones.

After reading, Councilmember Riggins moves to suspend rules to accept the presented ordinance; a second is given by Councilmember Bahr.

Being no discussion a roll call vote is taken and the vote to suspend rules is as follows:

YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

The mayor presents the ordinance to the council for consideration.

Councilmember Riggins moves to adopt and Councilmember Bahr seconds.

Being no discussion the vote is as follows: YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

Ordinance 2005-11-15-066 is adopted.

Mayor McLaughlin presents an ordinance for annexation of property into the municipal limits of Westover, Alabama.

Ordinance 2005-11-15-067, property is described by clerk Jones.

After reading, Councilmember Riggins moves to suspend rules to accept the presented ordinance; a second is given by Councilmember Champion Fisch.

Being no discussion a roll call vote is taken and the vote to suspend rules is as follows: YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin

NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

The mayor presents the ordinance to the council for consideration.

Councilmember Tyler moves to adopt and Councilmember Riggins seconds.

Being no discussion the vote is as follows: YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

Ordinance 2005-11-15-067 is adopted.

Mayor McLaughlin presents an ordinance for annexation of property into the municipal limits of Westover, Alabama.

Ordinance 2005-11-15-068, property is described by clerk Jones.

After reading, Councilmember Riggins moves to suspend rules to accept the presented ordinance; a second is given by Councilmember Tyler.

Being no discussion a roll call vote is taken and the vote to suspend rules is as follows:

YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

The mayor presents the ordinance to the council for consideration.

Councilmember Riggins moves to adopt and Councilmember Tyler seconds.

Being no discussion the vote is as follows: YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

Ordinance 2005-11-15-068 is adopted.

Mayor McLaughlin presents an ordinance for Describing Council Rules for the Westover Town Council.

Ordinance 2005-11-15-069 is read into the minutes by clerk Jones.

After reading, Councilmember Riggins moves to suspend rules to accept the presented ordinance; a second is given by Councilmember Champion Fisch.

Being no discussion a roll call vote is taken and the vote to suspend rules is as follows:

YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

The mayor presents the ordinance to the council for consideration.

Councilmember Tyler moves to adopt and Councilmember Riggins seconds.

Being no discussion the vote is as follows: YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

Ordinance 2005-11-15-069 is adopted.

Mayor McLaughlin presents an ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map for the Town of Westover, Alabama.

Ordinance 2005-11-15-070 is read into the minutes by clerk Jones.

After reading, Councilmember Riggins moves to suspend rules to accept the presented ordinance; a second is given by Councilmember Champion Fisch.

Being no discussion a roll call vote is taken and the vote to suspend rules is as follows:

YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

The mayor presents the ordinance to the council for consideration.

Councilmember Tyler moves to adopt and Councilmember Riggins seconds.

Being no discussion the vote is as follows: YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin; NAYS: None; ABSENT: Strickland

Ordinance 2005-11-15-070 is adopted.


Mayor McLaughlin presents a resolution Adopting the National Incident Management System.

Resolution 2005-11-15-533 is read into the minutes by clerk Jones.

After reading, Councilmember Riggins moves to suspend rules to accept the presented ordinance; a second is given by Councilmember Bahr.

Being no discussion a roll call vote is taken and the vote to suspend rules is as follows:

YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Strickland

The mayor presents the resolution to the council for consideration.

Councilmember Champion Fisch moves to adopt and Councilmember Tyler seconds.

Being no discussion the vote is as follows:

YEAS: Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Strickland

Resolution 2005-11-15-533 is adopted.

Being no further comments, additional new business or committee reports, Councilmember Riggins moves to adjourn and second is by Councilmember Tyler.

Motion to adjourn carries