City Council Minutes for January 4, 2006

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 3, 2006


Nov. 7, 2005

The Town Council of the Town of Vincent, Alabama met in special session on November 7, 2005 at 6:45 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to appoint a new Town Attorney and Municipal Court Prosecutor. Sonny Conwill, our former Attorney and Prosecutor, has now been appointed as Circuit Court Judge in Shelby County.

Present were: Mayor Terry Allen; Council Member Larry King; Council Member Ernest Kidd; Council Member Billy Raye Moore; Council Member Mary Lee Reynolds; Town Clerk Becky Landers

Absent: Council Member Johnny Edwards

Mayor Allen announced he would like to appoint Corey Moore of Weathington & Moore, P.C. as our new Town Attorney. A motion was made by Billy Raye Moore and seconded by Mary Lee Reynolds to appoint Mr. Moore. A roll call was taken and it was a unanimous, &8220;yes&8221;.

Mayor Allen stated he would like to appoint Danny Crowson of Crowson & Morrison, P.C. as our new Municipal Court Prosecutor. A motion was made by Billy Raye Moore and seconded by Ernest Kidd to appoint Mr. Crowson. A roll call was taken and it was a unanimous, &8220;yes&8221;.

Both, Mr. Moore and Mr. Crowson have agreed to accept a salary of $4000.00 each per year for their services for the Town.

A motion to adjourn was made by Billy Raye Moore and seconded by Ernest Kidd. Time: 6:59 P.M.


Nov. 7, 2005

The Council of the City of Helena met in a regular scheduled meeting on Monday night, November 7, 2005 in the Helena Municipal Building at 7:00 P.M., regular place and time for holding said meetings.

Mayor Penhale called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M.

Roll Call

Present: Charles W. Penhale, Mayor

Members: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

Absent: Colleen Lenz

Visitors: George Pickle, Chris Ramsey, Jack Gray, Pete Valenti, Woods McRoy, Mike Jones and others

A quorum was declared present and meeting open for business.

Tom Lefebvre made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the October 17, 2005 meeting and Barbara Hyche seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:


Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate



Motion carried.

Jerry Pate made a motion to accept and pay the current bills and Katherine Ennis seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:


Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate



Motion carried.

Exemption of Garbage Collection Fee – Jane A. Schallmoser – 8235 Wynwood Drive (continued from 10/17/2005 meeting)

Ms. Schallmoser submitted the application for exemption from garbage service along with income statements.

After review of the information and a short discussion in reference to her annual income, Jerry Pate made a motion to deny the request due to income and Barbara Hyche seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:


Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate



Motion carried to deny.

2005-2006 City Budget (continued from the 10/17/2005)

Mayor Penhale related the issue from the last meeting was the garbage collection projections and those figures still stand.

Council Member Ennis related that the budget had been broken down a little further giving Projected vs. Actual 2005 and then the variance and the projected for 2006 which will make the figures clearer.

Mayor Penhale asked if there were any other questions and/or comments. There being none, a motion was entertained.

Katherine Ennis made a motion to approve the 2005-2006 City Budget and Jerry Pate seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:


Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate



Motion carried.

Joseph Habshey – Use Old Town District – Sale of Produce in B-4 Business Renaissance District with recommendation from the Helena Design Review Committee Board Meeting 7/19/2005 and favorable recommendation from the Helena Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 8/25/2005 (continued from 9/6/2005 City Council Meeting)

Copies of the plans were submitted to the City Council for discussion (a copy was not submitted for the minute book or for the Building Official) and there was discussion about the site among Mr. Habshey and the Council Members. In the discussion, there were concerns about public safety issues, the location of this produce building and the street improvements.

Mayor Penhale asked Jack Gray about the issue brought before the Planning Commission and Mr. Gray replied they only approved the use, nothing about a site plan, approved only the natural characteristics of the building.

George Pickle made a suggestion that the portion of the plan as far a the road that he present it to meet with the State Highway Department and let him review and advise the City as to the road improvements along with our City Engineer.

Joseph Habshey replied that he had met with the State Highway Department Traffic Engineer.

Tom Lefebvre made a motion to approve the site plan and use in the B-4 Business Renaissance District with the recommendation that prior to any work being done that Mr. Habshey get with the State Highway Department to meet with George Pickle and City Engineer and validate the public safety issue on the submitted plan and Jerry Pate seconded the motion and the following roll call votes were cast:


Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate and Mayor Penhale


Katherine Ennis and Barbara Hyche

There being a tie vote, Mayor Penhale voted with an AYE vote.

Motion carried.

Tamika L. Stuckey – 596 Bentmoor Drive – Home Occupation License &8220;Stuckey Enterprises&8221; (copy of letter becomes part of minutes)

The letter being self-explanatory with no additional traffic, no additional employees, no advertising at residence, Tom Lefebvre made a motion to approve the home occupation license and Katherine Ennis seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:


Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate



Motion carried.

Resolution 11072005 – Data Exchange Agreement between Shelby County and City of Helena (copy of agreement becomes part of minutes)

Council Member Ennis asked who our point of contact would be, both theirs and ours.

Peggy Dunaway advised J.R. Henderson, Mapping Supervisor would be our contact at Shelby County.

Katherine Ennis made a motion to adopt Resolution 11072005 and Tom Lefebvre seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:


Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate



Motion carried.

Mayor Penhale advised that Pete Valenti, Fire Chief had been working on grants and the City of Helena received a grant for $96,970 for equipment (air packs, turnout gear, etc.) and another $26,000 for thermal imagers.

Frank C. Ellis, City Attorney had sent a resolution to be added to the agenda but was received after the agenda had been posted and this resolution being time sensitive was added on an emergency basis.

Resolution 11072005-A – Shelby Baptist Medical Center – Continue to provide Open-Heart Surgery and related Cardiac Care Services (copy of resolution becomes part of minutes)

Jerry Pate made a motion to adopt Resolution 11072005-A and Katherine Ennis seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:


Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate



Motion carried.

There being no further business, meeting was duly adjourned at 7:33 P.M.


Dec. 5, 2005

Present:Mr. Mike Dickens, Council President; Ms. Karyl Rice, Council Member; Mr. Willard Payne, Council Member; Ms. Rosemary Metcalf, Council Member; Mr. Robert Sullivan, Council Member

Council President Mike Dickens called the meeting to order.

Willard Payne led the invocation.

Mike Dickens asked that the record show all members of the council present.

Rosemary Metcalf moved to waive the oral reading of the November 21, 2005 minutes and approve as presented.

Robert Sullivan seconded the motion.

Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

There was no old business to come before the council.

During new business, a resolution was presented accepting and approving the dedication of Royal Oaks 7th and 8th Sectors and accepting the public street as shown on the final plat.

Rosemary Metcalf moved to approve the resolution as presented.

Willard Payne seconded the motion.

Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

Mike Dickens announced that the city council would hold a public hearing December 19, 2005 at 7 PM to consider Ordinance No. 135-169 changing the present zoning of A-1 Agricultural District to O & I Office and Institutional.

The applicant is R. A. Hayes.

With no other business before the council, Bob Sullivan moved to adjourn.

Willard Payne seconded the motion and the meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m.


Dec. 6, 2005

The City Council of the City of Columbiana, Alabama met in a Regular Session in the Council Chambers of Columbiana City Hall at 6:35 PM, Tuesday, December 6, 2005.

Mayor Lowe called the meeting to order. The roll was called and the following members of the Council were found to be present: Council member Frieda Abrams, Council member Tim Billingsley, Council member Ouida Mayfield and Council member Tom Seale.

Council member Danny Kelley was not present, as he was in attendance the National League of Cities in Charlotte, NC.


The consent agenda was approved as presented.

ORDINANCE 11-05-02


Ordinance 11-05-02 was introduced by Council member Seale and read at length.

Council member Seale moved that all rules governing the council, which might, unless suspended, prevent the passage and adoption of said ordinance at this meeting, be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the said ordinance to be finally passed and adopted at this meeting.

Council member Billingsley seconded the motion.

The Mayor called for a voice vote.

The results were as follows:

Yea: Council member Frieda Abrams; Council member Tim Billingsley; Council member Ouida Mayfield; Council member Tom Seale; Mayor Allan Lowe

Nay: None

Mayor Lowe declared the motion adopted by unanimous vote of the members present.

Council member Billingsley moved that the said ordinance, 11-05-02 Amendment to Ordinance No. 215, be finally passed and adopted as introduced.

Council member Abrams seconded the motion.

Mayor Lowe put the question of final passage and the adoption of said ordinance to vote of the council and on call of the roll the results were as follows:

Yea: Council member Frieda Abrams; Council member Tim Billingsley; Council member Ouida Mayfield; Council member Tom Seale; Mayor Allan Lowe

Nay: None

Mayor Lowe announced the result of the vote, and declared the ordinance was defeated, as it did not receive a majority vote of the council.


Council member Mayfield moved to approve Library Director Darryl Heritage&8217;s request to close the library at 5:00 p.m. and to allow Teresa Morton to increase her hours to 29.5 per week until Barbara Todd returns from an injury.

Council member Abrams seconded the motion.

The motion carried unanimously.


Council member Seale moved to approve the minutes from the Council work session held November 22, 2005 as presented.

Council member Abrams seconded the motion.

The motion carried unanimously.


Council member Mayfield moved to allow Recycling Unlimited to acquire a renewal on their business license for 2006.

Council member Billingsley seconded the motion.

The motion carried unanimously.


There being no other business, Council member Abrams moved to adjourn. Council member Billingsley seconded the motion.

Mayor Lowe adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m