Shelby County Speedway: Davis wins Hogg division in No. 00 car

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Although the weather was cool Saturday night, the competition was hot at Shelby County Speedway.

In the Hogg division, drivers were racing for a first place prize of $200 after being the most abundant class last week.

Taking the win was David Davis in the No. 00 car, second was Jason Harris in the No. 33 car, and third was Sammy Thrash in the green No. 72 car.

The Pure Stock Class saw Chris Howell in the No. 1 car take the checkers with Roger Underwood in the No. 22 car coming in second and Derrick Price finished third in the No. 2 car.

In the Pony Class, rookie drive Todd Riddle brought home his first win of the season in the No. 38 car. Eddie Pickett finished second in the No. 44 car.

The Hobby Class was just as exciting with Gary Ingram taking the win in the No. 8 car while C.R. took second in the No. 64 car and James Kendrick finished third in the No. 50 car. James Strickland took the win in the Thunder and lightning class in the No. 54 car