Letters to the editor for June 7, 2006
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
It is a shame that the &8220;current mood&8221; of the Shelby County legislative delegation will prevent them from introducing and supporting legislation that will allow the Shelby County Commissioners to address the traffic issues in the county and submit to the voters a proposal to fix them.
There are federal funds available if the County can raise the matching funds that are not available in the current budget. Our Commissioners have shown a remarkable ability to use public funds wisely and should be granted the authority to address the traffic issues.
Again, the Commission cannot increase taxes or fees for this project without voter approval but they cannot even put forth a proposal unless legislation is passed in Montgomery.
Your reporter needs to ask the legislative delegation &8220;Exactly what is it that is bothering them?&8221;
Don&8217;t they want the voters in Shelby County to be able to make a decision on this very important issue? I can&8217;t think of a single issue that our legislative delegation has faced where I haven&8217;t been in agreement with their position, until now.
What is it that I don&8217;t understand?
Vern Hydorn
Dear Editor,
I lived in Columbiana for over 55 years, from 1944 – 2000. Although I moved to Jemison a few years ago, I still work, shop, and attend sporting events in Columbiana.
Columbiana will always be my home.
The community&8217;s response to the illness of my son, Phillip Howell, over the last five years, and his death on April 29, simply reinforces this sentiment.
I would like to thank the entire community of Columbiana: City Hall, Columbiana Police Department, Shelby County Sheriff&8217;s Dept, many other police departments from around the county, all the merchants of Columbiana, First Baptist Church of Columbiana, Wilsonville Baptist Church, and many other area churches for the support that they have shown for my son and me.
Your prayers, cards, phone calls, and words of encouragement have made a terrible experience a little more bearable.
James &8220;Doomer&8221; Howell
Dear Editor,
I wanted to send a note to extend my deepest gratitude to the hundreds of people who came together and helped my family during the most difficult time in our life.
My husband, Phillip Howell, passed away on April 29th after fighting a very difficult battle with cancer. As I sent out several thank you cards to various people, businesses, and organizations I began to realize that I would never be able to thank each one of you personally for everything you did for Phillip, the boys, and I.
I only hope that this letter will reach each of you so that you might understand how extremely thankful we are! To all the merchants in Columbiana, especially you Linda at Busy Hands.
Columbiana Police Department, Shelby County Sheriff&8217;s Office (you did a wonderful job!
He would be just as proud as I was I&8217;m sure), Bernie&8217;s, Rux Carter, Seventh Heaven, Wilson P&B, Shelby County EMA, Davis Drug this is only a few of course.
A very heartfelt &8220;thank you&8221; to my extended family, Calera Police Department, I love you guys for everything. Pelham Police Department, Jefferson County Sheriff&8217;s Office, Tuscaloosa County, Hoover P.D., Alabaster P.D., Clanton P.D., Chilton County, and of course our State Troopers.
I wish I could name each and every person along with the every business however I know who you are and to you my most sincere thanks for everything whether it be a flower, donation, thought and prayers, they all mean just as much!
Samantha, Ethan and Clay Powell
Dear Editor,
Many times we have a tendency to focus on what&8217;s wrong with the world…our jobs, co-workers, friends, families, politicians, government, churches and the list goes on and on. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about what&8217;s right.
This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend two events associated with our wonderful community.
They were both very emotional for me, but at the same time, made me realize even more the dedication, hard work and just overall compassion and kindness of people.
On Friday night, I attended the Columbiana Relay for Life event and was able to set up a tent and table in memory of my daughter, Mary Beth Hiebert, who lost her physical life to leukemia in February of this year.
The Relay for Life was one of the most touching events I have ever participated in. As soon as I arrived, Corley Ellis made sure that I had a good space to set up and checked several times to make sure we had everything we needed.
My thanks goes out to Corley and everyone who helped him put together this wonderful event to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
What a wonderful way to remember those who have lost their lives to cancer and to celebrate those who have survived this horrible disease.
On Saturday night, I attended a dance recital of the &8220;Dream Makers Dancers&8221; under the direction of Jenny Lipsi, with the Shelby County Board of Education&8217;s Community Education Program.
My daughter was a part of this dance program from the time she was in the fourth grade and on up through college. She gained much of her self-confidence because of the leadership and encouragement given to her by Ms. Lepsi.
At this year&8217;s recital, I was surprised and honored to hear some of the most beautiful words ever spoken about Mary Beth at the beginning of the program.
The second performance of the evening was a ballet dance performed by Rachael Bentley and Shae Brown to the song &8220;Skin&8221; by Rascal Flatts in honor of Mary Beth. It was breathtaking! I feel we should all take pride in and feel blessed to have such a wonderful dance program and instructor available to the young people of this community.
Ms. Lepsi didn&8217;t have to dedicate the first part of her program to my daughter, but she did, because she&8217;s just that way…a compassionate person that we should be proud to have as a member of our community.
Lat but not definitely least, I was helped, encouraged and comforted by my wonderful friends throughout this emotional weekend. Wanda Gill, Susan Bentley and Rachael, you al are angels on earth.
Some may wonder how I can be so positive after losing my only child less than four months ago.
I wonder that myself sometimes, and then I remember God&8217;s promise to us that he would not put more on us than we could bear. He is my rock and my strength and I know without a doubt that &8220;Mary Beth&8217;s earthly struggles have achieved for her an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.&8221; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.
With the strength of God behind me, I am able to see &8220;what&8217;s right with the world.&8221;
Susan Ham