Alabaster to offer land to Schein auto dealership

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 8, 2006

One of the largest car dealerships in Shelby County is considering moving half of its operation from Pelham to Alabaster.

The Alabaster City Council voted Monday night to give Alabaster Mayor David Frings the authority to complete an agreement with Susan Schein to relocate her Jeep dealership to the Alabaster Colonial Promenade on Highway 31.

Alabaster City Manager Tony Rivera told the council Monday that the move could bring $370,000 a year in revenue to Alabaster.

The proposed agreement would see Alabaster giving Susan Schein five acres in the Promenade shopping center in exchange for its moving to Alabaster.

Alabaster Industrial Development Manager Cam Ward said the deal is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

&8220;Susan Schein approached the city a little over a year ago looking to relocate part of its dealership,&8221; Ward said. &8220;The move would allow them to add Jeep vehicles to their sales.&8221;

Ward said the dealership would likely locate behind the current Colonial shopping center and be a total of 15 acres in size.

&8220;The city&8217;s incentive for this deal is the money we would receive in taxes,&8221; Ward said.

Alabaster officials have made it clear that they have no other plans for the five-acre plot of land.

&8220;This is property that we have not been planning on using for any other purpose,&8221; Alabaster City Attorney Greg Morris said Monday. &8220;This is an opportunity that only comes along once.&8221;

The proposal that will be offered to Schein gives her a 60-day period to accept.

Morris confirmed that any proposal presented to Schein by Frings would have to be brought before the council for its approval.

The city is also looking at having a Shelby County circuit judge approve the proposal.

Councilmember Jerry Workman cast the lone vote against giving Frings the proposal power.

Workman said he was concerned that the council had not received a thorough briefing on the proposal.

Schein was unavailable for comment at press time