Gray Power: Studies show retirees less likely to suffer on-the-job injuries

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Some employers have visions of older workers breaking a hip or receiving some other major injury while on the job. They&8217;re concerned about potential increases in workers compensation costs, plus the guilt they&8217;d feel for having made such an injury possible. Like overprotective parents, they feel that they shouldn&8217;t put older workers in a position where they might be hurt.

Reality: Retirees have fewer on-the-job accidents than their younger counterparts.

In study after study, older workers have proved that they work with care and concern and understand the importance of safety. They are deliberate and don&8217;t make the same mistakes as their younger, less thoughtful counterparts. The fact is that older workers are safe, conscientious workers.

There are strategies for those seeking employment. They include:

– Stress your accident-free work record.

– Talk about the importance of safety on the job.

Here are some strategies that may help you keep your job.

– Stay alert to safety hazards.

– Don&8217;t become careless, especially when you get familiar with a job.

This information came from the book, UnRetirement by Fyock and Dorton.

Dr. Marvin Copes, located in Maylene, is an education and community service volunteer for AARP Alabama. He can be reached by e-mail at