Oak Mountain students win big at 5th annual Latin Day
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The Oak Mountain High School Latin students won the fifth annual Latin Day sponsored by the University of Alabama on Friday, March 2, 2007.
Eighty-six students from the OMHS Latin program competed in both individual and group events and had the opportunity to network with Latin students from across Alabama.
OMHS students placing include:
Grammar Competition
Level I-1st place: Michael Thrasher,
2nd place: Eunji Jo (tie) 2nd place: Chris Swicord (tie)
Level II-1st place: Joyce Peng (tie), 1st place: Claire Thomasson (tie), 2nd place: Lauren Brokaw (tie), 2nd place: Kushal Patel (tie)
Level III/IV-1st place: John Roberson, 2nd place: Alison Thompson, 3rd place: Joel Bloom
Reading Comprehension Competition
Level I-2nd place: Keegan McFarland, Owen Selles, Eric Tate, Michael Thrasher (four way tie)
Level II-1st place: Claire Thomasson, 2nd place: Ryan Rudman, 3rd place: Lauren Brokaw, Joseph Fowler, Christina Marinelli, Kushal Patel,
Callie Roberts, Kendall Williamson (six way tie)
Level III/IV-1st place: Alison Thompson, 2nd place:
Andrew Dykes
Roman History Scholars&8217; Bowl
1st place-OMHS Team: Forrest Shirley, Zehra Syed, Chris Tidwell, Kendall Williamson
Mythology &8220;Face-Off&8221; Competition
2nd place-Jessica Cosmas, 3rd place-A.J. Williams
Mythology in Art Competition
1st place: A.J. Williams, 3rd place: Joshua Sipin
Pop Song in Latin Competition
2nd place-OMHS Latin IV class
Advanced Translation Competition
3rd place-Emily Haines
Club Poster Competition
1st place-Madison Hall, Meagan Carbonie, Lauren Wetzel
&8220;Treasure Trove&8221;-Latin Phrases Competition
2nd place-Emily Haines
Roman Graffitti
2nd place-Andrew Dykes
3D Craft Competition
1st place-Clay McCallam, Lindsey Lee, Callie Roberts
2D Craft Competition
1st place-Andrew Dykes
Roman Fashion Competition
3rd place-Andrew Dykes and Boyd Christenberry