Energizing sleepy Christians

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Several posters are drawing attention to a new worship service in Calera.

&8220;Though your sins be dark as espresso, Christ will make them white as creamer. Are you thirsty?&8221;

&8220;Church for folks who love God, just not mornings.&8221;

These are just a few of the slogans the Calera First United Methodist Church isusing to advertise the beginning of &8220;The 6:08,&8221; a new Saturday night worship service.

Clay Farrington, youth minister and associate pastor, said he believes there are more avenues for a love of God to be expressed. &8220;The 6:08&8221; is a new ministry that wants to explore those possibilities.

&8220;We are really trying to target youth and young adults,&8221; Farrington said. &8220;People who can&8217;t or won&8217;t get up on Sunday morning.&8221;

The service makes its debut Saturday, May 5 at precisely 6:08.

&8220;Usually when people are told something begins at a particular time they are going to be eight to ten minutes late, so we just decided to start at 6:08. Plus it catches people&8217;s attention,&8221; Farrington said.

Most of the group&8217;s advertising uses an image created by painter Eric Timm called &8220;Creamer.&8221; The 6:08&8217;s myspace page mentions the artwork and explains it&8217;s meaning. The coffee in each cup becomes progressively whiter as you look from left to right. There is also a tiny drop of blood falling into the middle cup. For Farrington and other members this signifies how Jesus&8217;s blood makes souls white as snow, just like creamer lightens coffee. Even though the messages are often deep in religious services, participants in &8220;The 6:08&8221; want the new ministry to have a more relaxed feel. In fact, those who come are encouraged to bring their own coffee cup.

Worship schedule:

Sunday mornings


a.m. Contemporary

11 a.m. Traditional

10 a.m. Sunday schoo