Rep. Davis to speak at UM commencement
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 2, 2007
U.S. Rep. Artur Davis will be the keynote speaker Saturday at the University of Montevallo’s commencement.
The ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. on the lawn of Flowerhill, home of Montevallo’s president and his family. Some 300 students are candidates for degrees, which will be given by UM President Dr. Philip C. Williams.
Continuing a Montevallo tradition, SGA President Brandt Montgomery will speak before his class.
Also, Cathy Sherbet, outgoing senior class president, will lead fellow graduates in a senior-class pledge. Rep. Davis’ keynote address will follow.
Davis is serving his third term as U.S. representative from Alabama’s 7th District. In the current Congress, he has been appointed to one of the most prestigious committees in the House &045;&045; the Ways and Means Committee.
This committee oversees the country’s economy, including tax law, trade policy and health care. Davis is only the 10th Alabamian to serve on the committee in 188 years.
As a freshman representative, Davis fought to reverse funding cuts for minority land grant colleges like Tuskegee University and Alabama A&M.;
During his second term, he worked to restore funding for public housing renovations in the Hope VI program.
Davis&8217; track record in Washington is in matched with an active presence in his West Alabama district.
He has chaired the Health Care Subcommittee of Gov. Bob Riley&8217;s Black Belt Action Commission &045;&045; an effort that has led to expanded medical services throughout the Black Belt