Church Focus: Music commits Gods love to hearts
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Christ United Methodist Church will be filled with the sound of music next week as the church holds its third annual Children&8217;s Music Day Camp.
With the theme &8220;Follow the Good Shepherd&8221; in mind, about 40 kids will get the chance to learn about God and music.
Cheryl Ramsey, the pianist at Christ Church United Methodist and music teacher at Oak Mountain Elementary School, said anything put to music is more easily learned.
&8220;What you learn as a child sticks with you your entire life,&8221; Ramsey said. &8220;If you can sing it, it comes back to you. Music is a wonderful gift to teach children about God and his love and Christ saving us.&8221;
Ramsey said all the activities focus on sacred octavos such as &8220;I am His Lamb,&8221; &8220;Follow the Son&8221; and &8220;I Sing the Mighty Power of God. &8220; Each child will get to attend one session for each instrument available. Kids will get to learn drums, piano, guitar and hand chimes.
At the end of the three-day camp they will perform for their parents.
The camp runs June 25-27 and is open to children in the first through sixth grades and costs $25. The registration fee will cover lunch each day and a T-shirt.
Camp will run from 9 a.m. to 12:30 each day. All children are invited to attend regardless of whether or not they have family members who are members of the church.
Worship schedule:
Sunday Traditional
8:30 a.m.
Contemporary Spirit
10:345 a.m.
Sunday school 9:45 a.m