Letters to the editor for August 29, 2007:
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Dear Editor,
Will someone please clarify whose responsibility it is to remove dead animals from the streets of Montevallo?
Last month, I observed, day after day on Main Steet, the body of an armadillo become nothing more than a dry piece of, what it once was, a shell.
Just last week, I had to explain to my 7-year-old
why a dead kitten might lay on the viaduct (leading to Highway 25), in Montevallo, to the date of this letter.
Becoming nothing more than a dark gray smear on the road.
It’s certainly appalling that we animal lovers must observe these sights in town.
Do the city employees not travel by way of Main Street and the viaduct?
Those of us who live outside the city limits, with shovel and trash bag in hand, are obviously more efficient at dead animal removal than our own city.
It concerns me that those employeed by the City of Montevallo could have such an inhumane disregard.
Audrey Chambers