Letters to the editor for January 2, 2007:
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Dear Editor,
Being that I exceeded the word count maximum when I wrote my letter to the editor last week (&8220;Lights and trees stand for celebration too,&8221; Dec. 26&8221;), a good portion was taken out.
That left a letter that did not contain the point I was trying to make.
What I wanted to know was why the people who responded to the initial article wanted to take down the Nativity scene but keep the &8220;fun&8221; stuff.
You know, the Christmas Tree, the garland, the parade, etc.
I mean, if you&8217;re going to do it &8212; let&8217;s do it right!
Let&8217;s go after the department stores next. They don&8217;t have a Ramadan sale in September, do they? And don&8217;t stop there.
Let&8217;s head to Atlanta and protest to make Coca Cola the official drink of the winter solstice.
My main point, which was edited out by mistake, was that only taking out our Nativity scene, but not the rest of the decorations, is the best example of taking Christ out of Christmas that I&8217;ve ever seen.
And yes, I am a Christian and I&8217;m crying persecution.
Taking Christ out of Christmas so it won&8217;t step on anyone&8217;s toes IS persecution.
If they tried to re-name the Menorah the &8220;holiday candelabra&8221; I&8217;d have to cry persecution on that too.
If your biggest problem is what holiday is celebrated in town (not because your holiday isn&8217;t represented but because you interpreted the Constitution to be so tolerant of other religions that you&8217;ve become intolerant of one) then you, my friend, have no problems.
Ashley Limbaugh