Boys and girls discover Montevallo
Published 6:00 am Monday, July 13, 2009
The kids at the Boys and Girls Club of Central Alabama–Montevallo now know more about their hometown than most folks do. They recently experienced a week of adventure during the club’s Discover Montevallo week.
“The local kids don’t know what we have here in Montevallo,” said Director Freda Shivers. “So, we designed this program to encourage them to know their hometown, to let their hometown know them and to make the club visible.”
Every day the children enjoyed different exercises such as solving crossword puzzles of Montevallo names and places, playing games with teams given the names of bulldogs and falcons, and listening to Montevallo ghost stories told by staff member Jessica Cannady. With Jordan Smith, another staff member, they drew maps of the town designating local landmarks.
On Thursday of that week the kids were divided into three groups, given a list of clues, and set out on a downtown treasure hunt. Along the way they found prizes and ended the hunt with lunch.
The discoveries the children made were interesting and somewhat revealing. Nate Pepper was surprised the castle on the corner of Main and Block Streets was an eye clinic; he had thought it was a home. Jalyn Seay learned she could become a math teacher at the University of Montevallo. Polly Holsomback found First Baptist Church by following the clue for the building with both a dome and a spire. Quinn Callaghan discovered the old city library is now UM’s International House.
Dylan Brantley said they all had fun on the treasure hunt. Georgia Hughes loved the Snickers bars they found at Smitherman’s; Alex Ezelle thought it extremely funny when Madison Jacobs won the hamburger-eating contest at Jack’s; and the kids who discovered the new Main Cafe enjoyed a delicious slushy.
The club is in its first year of operation and is located in the Holsomback Recreation Center in Orr Park. This summer there are 62 children of ages 7-12 enrolled in the program. Along with Shivers, there are seven staff members and several local middle school students who are counselors¬–in–training.
Plans are to continue as an ongoing program, but the club needs the support –both moral and financial — of the community. Those interested may contact Shivers at 307-8336 or by e–mail at
Catherine Legg can be reached by email at