For salvation, you need only apply
Published 1:10 pm Wednesday, March 17, 2010
In my former life, I was responsible for getting students to apply for scholarships being awarded by the University of Alabama.
I would go to high schools and try to convince the guidance counselors to get their brightest students to apply.
I thought this would be an easy task, because who wouldn’t want to receive a college scholarship to my alma mater? Boy was I wrong.
I soon realized that many of the students who would certainly qualify for the scholarships were not even being encouraged to apply because of judgments that had been made about their background.
I had one counselor tell me a student would never be able to go to college because his parents lived in the mill village and they worked at the cotton mill, therefore he was not college material.
Luckily, I proved her wrong, and he was awarded a Presidential Scholarship (the highest scholarship the university offered).
Some of the students who were qualified didn’t attempt to apply because they had convinced themselves they were not worthy.
It took a great deal of convincing from dedicated school officials and myself to get them to believe they could attend a major university.
God offers each one of us a full scholarship.
None of us deserve it.
There are those who try to convince us that we could never be eligible.
But Christ tells us to just apply.
The application is not that hard. We just have to ask for it, accept it and give it to God.
Jesus has made sure the grade for each one of us will meet the standard.
I loved my time helping young people see potential they never realized they had.
I love even more helping those see that they can have a full scholarship to heaven. What about you?