Recycling is for the birds

Published 3:14 pm Monday, June 21, 2010

The City of Calera operates its own garbage collection service and is not eligible to participate in the curbside recycling contract between Waste Management and Shelby County, therefore our community has been labeled “not going green.”

What does going green mean? In essence, it is implementing various everyday methods to help save the world and its environment. Going green is a lifestyle, basing your actions on working to save the world.

Living a green lifestyle can be as simple as re-using plastic grocery bags, carpooling, walking, using fewer lights and other conservative actions.

Though our city does not recycle garbage, there are many businesses and residents who practice a green lifestyle.

To name a few: our schools collect printer cartridges, cell phones and other unwanted electronic devices; AOK distributes used clothing; automotive shops recycle waste oil and tires; local stores accept plastic bags and offer fabric bags as an alternative; and residents vanpool with CommuteSmart.

Stacy Fields is doing her part to save the planet. She makes hummingbird feeders using recycled glass bottles and copper tubing.

Fields talked about her interest in the feeders as she custom designed one for me.

“I saw the feeders in a magazine last year and decided to make them as Christmas gifts,” she said.

Not only were they a big hit with relatives, but with everyone who sees them. Fields has been filling orders since using every imaginable bottle, i.e. Coke, root beer, wine and whiskey. Customers can buy ready-made feeders or custom design one — they choose the bottle and beads.

In addition to Fields’ contribution to the environment, her business is impacting medical research. Fields was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2003. While she enjoys making the feeders, the symptoms of MS create a challenge.

Fields laughed as she slowly strung beads on the copper tubing.

“I have numbness in my fingers due to MS, so this part goes slow,” she said.

Fields donates $5 of every sale to MS research.

“I’m tired of taking shots and want to do everything I can to help find a cure,” she said.

Feeders range in price from $10 to $30, depending on size and design.

Fields will have a booth at Liberty Day in Columbiana on June 26. Ready-made feeders will be available, as well as supplies for those who prefer custom made.

Order by email at

Mollie Brown can be reached at