You are what you eat, spiritually-speaking

Published 3:51 pm Tuesday, September 7, 2010

By REV. KEN LETSON/Guest Columnist

I recently came across an old news article about one of the weirdest stories I ever read, and it’s true. It’s about a Frenchman named Michael Lotito, who had a rather strange appetite.

Let’s just say he was into metal.

Lotito, who passed away in 2007, was an entertainer with the nickname Monsieur Mangatout (“Mister Eat Everything”), who happened to like to eat things made of steel.

At the time the article was written several years ago, he had eaten 11 bicycles, seven shopping carts, a metal coffin, a cash register, a washing machine, a television, and 660 feet of chain.

But none of that compared with his biggest meal: a Cessna. That’s right, Lotito once ate an entire light airplane, 2,500 pounds of aluminum, steel, vinyl, Plexiglas and rubber.

With a meal like that he would cut the metal into pieces the size of his fingernail and consumed about two pounds a day.

Most people would agree that Mr. Lotito had an unhealthy appetite. Some of us would go ahead and conclude that he was a nut. But sometimes our own appetites, especially as they relate to spiritual things, are equally questionable.

For both good and bad, what we take into our lives has a great effect on our spiritual growth and health, or lack thereof. That’s why the Scripture is full of references to our spiritual diets. We are told to, “like newborn babes, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow in respect to your salvation.” (1 Peter 2:2). The Book of Hebrews goes on to tell us that our diet should grow from spiritual milk to meat as we mature in our faith. (Heb. 5:12-14)

Jesus said that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Luke 4:4)  In other words, our spiritual diets are so very important to who we become as Christians. Truly, we are — or we become — what we eat.

So, what’s on your menu for this week?  I don’t recommend metal or rubber, but I would highly suggest that you take some time to feed on God’s word. It does a body good.

The Rev. Ken Letson is senior pastor of The Church at Shelby Crossings. You can reach him at