Mike Hill named ‘powerful and influential’ representative

Published 3:42 pm Thursday, March 1, 2012


State Rep. Mike Hill, R-Columbiana, was recently named one of the “most powerful and influential players in Alabama politics” by an Alabama political news website.


Yellow Hammer Politics, which can be found online at Yellowhammerpolitics.com, provides frequent news updates from state government entities, including the Alabama Senate and House of Representatives.

Yellow Hammer recently released its “Power and Influence 40,” which lists what the website defines as the 40 most “powerful and influential” people in Alabama politics.

“This 40-person list will feature the most powerful and influential players in Alabama politics, including elected officials, lobbyists, consultants, staffers and political insiders from every corner of Alabama state politics,” Yellow Hammer founder Cliff Sims wrote on the website.

Hill was named No. 29 on the list.

According to the website, Hill “has strong relationships with a diverse group of interesting (groups), including the BCA (Business Council of Alabama), State Employees Association, the bankers, Forestry Association and more.”

The website claimed Hill “leads a bloc of House Republicans and, as a result, often has a pretty strong voice in decisions made in the State House.”