Indian Springs minutes for the week of April 24, 2013
Published 12:34 pm Friday, April 26, 2013
Indian Springs
April 2, 2013
The Indian Springs Village Town Council met at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall. All council members were present except Brian Stauss.
Motion to approve March 19 meeting minutes. Motion passed.
Sarah Stokes, attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center, gave a presentation on the firm’s opposition to the proposed Northern Beltline project. A discussion followed, and the council is in favor of adopting a resolution opposing the project.
Resident Paul Boehme proposed an Indian Springs Village Cable Commission. The commission would assist in addressing unresolved issues residents have with Charter Cable. Boehme, a previous member of the Homewood Cable Commission for 20 years, volunteered to head the commission. The Council was in favor and also asked that the committee handle issues with AT&T as well. Boehme will forward a copy of Homewood’s Cable Commission resolution to the council
Council member Jack Mendel reported that a CD for the general fund will mature April 20.
Council member Bart Trammell asked the council to review the business license ordinance prior to the next meeting and be ready to make a decision regarding penalties for unpaid business license fees. There are three delinquent businesses: RSH Scott Howell Landscaping and Construction, The Painting Company and U.S. Nails.
Meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.