Transition brings new opportunities
Published 10:48 am Tuesday, June 18, 2013
By CAROLINE VINCENT / Special to the Reporter
Some people say graduating high school begins a new chapter in teens’ lives, but for the senior class of 2013, an entirely new book is about to begin.
I can say this with confidence, for I am a member of Thompson High School’s latest graduating class and I feel as if everything around me is changing.
Graduating high school was an experience unlike any other. It filled me with a joy that I have never felt before, and the pride that came over me was extraordinary. Right before walking into the arena, I knew that the ceremony was a new beginning for us seniors. Throwing up our caps and singing the alma mater united us while allowing us to begin our individual stories. We all began to move on at that moment.
For some, moving on means going to college for the next several years. That transition is quickly approaching as multiple graduates attend orientation for their respective schools over the summer. I attended Bama Bound just last week and was hit with the realization that college life is about to become what I know. I also realized the possibilities are endless, as these next years will offer a new beginning.
A new beginning has also come in the opportunity to write for this newspaper, and I could not be more excited about the possibilities and experiences it will bring. I plan to major in journalism at the University of Alabama and I know this summer will provide priceless opportunities to explore the field.
Being accepted as an intern has made me realize the real world is getting increasingly closer. Transitioning from a high school desk on which you take notes, to a desk on which you make your living seems drastic but it has come quicker than I ever imagined.
Graduating high school is by far the most important thing to have happened to me so far in my lifetime. That ending has allowed so many beginnings to come forth and offer my fellow graduates and me multiple exciting opportunities.
Caroline Vincent is a recent graduate of Thompson High School, and is interning with the Alabaster Reporter this summer.