Teenagers set example by being city leaders

Published 11:33 am Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Perhaps the most impressive Shelby County resident I’ve met so far is Montevallo High School freshman Samuel Reece, one of the founding members of the Montevallo Junior City Council that formed in May.

But I’m not just impressed by Reece – I’m also impressed by the handful of other eighth and ninth grade students who have joined him in taking time out of their summers to come up with meaningful ways to impact their community.

Of course, their age is certainly impressive. As one of their advisors Hannah Stein said, “When I was their age, I didn’t do anything productive.” I think many of us, including myself, can relate.

They also have lofty goals, and they’ve been diligent to make sure their goals result in meaningful projects.

Their goals, according to Reece, are to improve arts, athletics and overall curriculum at Shelby County schools.

They are well on the way to improving athletics, as they will host their first field-day fundraiser in conjunction with Art Walk Aug. 24.

The event will be from 4-7 p.m. between Main Street and Orr Park and will raise money for Montevallo Middle School’s band and athletic programs.

This summer, they have also attended Montevallo City Council meetings, met with the Shelby County School Board, and worked with city officials and the Montevallo High School Student Government Association to increase student involvement and leadership within city affairs.

If more Shelby County residents were half as involved with their communities as these young teenagers, I have no doubt that our communities would grow leaps and bounds in the directions we wish they would.

I encourage everyone to attend Art Walk this Saturday and check out the Junior City Council’s field day festivities.

Not only is it a worthy cause to support, but I also have a feeling these young city leaders will inspire you just as they have inspired me.

Stephanie Brumfield is a staff writer for the Shelby County Reporter. She can be reached at stephanie.brumfield@shelbycountyreporter.com.