Alabaster considering demolition of Highway 17 house
Published 2:59 pm Tuesday, May 6, 2014
By NEAL WAGNER / Managing Editor
The Alabaster City Council during its May 26 meeting likely will decide if it will order the demolition of a house on Shelby County 17.
During the May 26 meeting, which will begin at 7 p.m. at Alabaster City Hall, the council will hold a public hearing on the matter before voting on it.
The Alabaster Housing Abatement Board recently made a recommendation to the City Council in favor of demolishing the residence at 10601 Shelby County 17, declaring it unsafe and dilapidated.
After the Housing Abatement Board made its recommendation, the property’s owner appealed the recommendation to the City Council. During the May 26 public hearing, interested parties will have a chance to voice their thoughts on the issue before the City Council makes a decision on the property.
The City Council has taken action on several dilapidated houses throughout the city over the past few months.
In mid-April, the council agreed to clear the remains of a house off 10th Court Southeast behind Waffle House. The council also voted in March to proceed with demolishing houses at 434 Sixth Ave. S.E., 440 Sixth Ave. S.E. and 454 Sixth Ave. S.E., claiming they were in danger of collapsing.