Novella antiques, arts and craft show is Oct. 10-12
Published 6:25 pm Monday, September 22, 2014

Novella Vice President and Show Co-Chair Becky Moore with Past President Lisa Sallas and President and Show Co-Chair Bonnie Atchison plan the Novella 19th Annual Antiques, Arts and Craft Show on Oct. 10-11. (Contributed)
COLUMBIANA – Since 1995, the GFWC Alabama Novella Club of Columbiana has sponsored its annual craft show which is the primary fundraiser for the federated club. Organized in 1957, Novella was formed to serve Columbiana fulfilling their motto: “Let us believe in the present and its opportunities, in the future and it promise, and in the Divine joy of working for the betterment of all.”
Over the years this very active club has organized the annual free Cancer Survivor Dinner for cancer survivors and their families which will be Oct. 21 at First Baptist Church of Columbiana.
They have funded annual scholarships to Shelby County High School senior females and Miss Shelby County contestants. They fund a $500 grant to a local teacher for a specific project as the butterfly garden at Columbiana Middle School, funded by Marcia Murrah’s grant. And each new resident at Columbiana Rehabilitation receives a personalized, treasured quilt made by Novella members.
The Novella’s recently had a new member tea at President Bonnie Atchison’s home with AFWC President Jackie Clark and Treasurer Jan Greer as special guests. The club received five new members.
From Oct. 10-11 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the old Columbiana Jewelers building on the corner of Main and College streets, the Novella Club will present its 19th Annual Antique, Arts and Craft Show. The new location on Main Street will also be one of 25 quilt stops for the Columbiana Quilt Walk on Oct. 11 welcoming the Alabama Historical Association Fall Pilgrimage to Columbiana.
President Bonnie Atchison and Vice President Becky Moore are co-chairs of the show assisted by all Novella clubwomen.
“We are very excited about our booths,” said Atchison. “Talented artist Charlotte McFarland will bring her hand-blown glass and jewelry to sell; local artist Scott Owen will be selling his art; and Columbiana resident Martha Averett will bring many of her wonderful things to sell. She has antiques, jewelry, Christmas decorations, tablecloths and many other handmade items. If you would like to have a booth, call me at 669-9001. A booth is $50 for two days.”
For more info see Novella Club of Columbiana Facebook page.