Pelham girl donates presents to Toys for Tots
Published 4:53 pm Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Coordinator Sgt. Curtis Wentworth with Allyson Pieper. Allyson Pieper donated all of her presents from her Dec. 6 birthday party to Toys for Tots. (Reporter Photo / Molly Davidson)
By MOLLY DAVIDSON / Staff Writer
PELHAM—Seven-year-old Allyson Pieper’s birthday party looked just like any other, with friends playing together, a birthday cake, balloons and a table piled high with presents. However, Allyson Pieper was not bringing any of those presents home with her.
Instead, the 7-year-old requested all of her birthday presents be donated to the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Foundation.
“With her birthday being so close to Christmas, she thought it would be a good idea to help needy children,” Allyson Pieper’s father, Donovan Pieper, said. “She’s very fortunate, so we wanted to share some of that.”
Allyson Pieper asked party guests to bring unwrapped gifts to her party on Dec. 6 at Pump it Up in Pelham. The toys were gathered on a table and then collected by Sgt. Curtis Wentworth, coordinator with Toys for Tots.
“The toys are going to be distributed to children throughout the Birmingham area,” Wentworth said. “Allyson is kind enough to donate all of the presents she got to us to make children’s dreams come true this Christmas.”
Toys for Tots is a national program that collects new toys each October, November and December and distributes them to children who may not otherwise receive gifts for Christmas.
Allyson Pieper said she enjoyed sharing her presents and helping other children.
“This teachers her about charity,” Donovan Pieper said. “She understands that other people have needs and that she can share with them.”