MES turns 50
Published 3:46 pm Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Former MES teachers laugh at old stories told during a celebratory breakfast held for MES to celebrate the school’s 50th birthday. (Reporter Photo/Jon Goering)
By GRAHAM BROOKS / Staff Writer
MONTEVALLO–Stories were told and memories were shared as current and former teachers and administrators gathered at Montevallo Elementary School on Tuesday, Dec. 9 to celebrate the school turning 50-years-old.
A celebratory breakfast was served in the school’s cafeteria as the program included a guest speaker, former teachers sharing memories, current students letters being placed in a time capsule and a tour of the school.
Dr. Allison Campbell has been Principal at MES for two years and she reflected on the time she has spent in Montevallo.
“During my years in Shelby County I’ve been in four communities, one in which is my hometown,” said Campbell. “But there is something extremely unique about the city of Montevallo and Montevallo community and schools, it’s a connection like no other.”
A fun part of the program came when current MES students letters were read that they wrote to put into a time capsule for future MES students to read 50 years from now.
Campbell read some of the letters from the first and second graders that gave the audience a chuckle.
“What I will be doing in 50 years is I will probably be 57, I’ll have gray hair, I’ll be walking with a cane, I’ll have four grandchildren, I’ll be married, those are some of the things I’ll be doing in 50 years,” Campbell said as she read one of the letters.
A table was reserved for former MES teachers and administrators who came back to swap stories and memories they recalled from the past 50 years.
Mary Smith, reading coach at MES, talked about the former teachers coming back and the legacy they left on the school.
“When I look at this table of ladies I’m just so grateful and I admire each and everyone of you so much, it just makes my heart happy to see ya’ll,” said Smith. “There are pieces of all of you here and we are very appreciative of that.”