Pelham supplements easement agreement with Summer Classics
Published 8:32 pm Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Pelham City Council approved a supplement to its original easement agreement with Summer Classics at its Sept. 8 meeting. (File)
By JESSA PEASE / Staff Writer
PELHAM— The City Council approved a supplement to Pelham’s original easement agreement with Summer Classics Properties at its Sept. 8 meeting to address some issues that occurred through the project.
“As many of you know there has been a tremendous amount of work done to Summer Classics and that building, which at one time was an ugly eyesore in the middle of Pelham,” said City Council President Rick Hayes. “There’s been a lot of work. The city has worked very closely and very diligently with summer classics to get this thing moved along.”
Part of the issue addressed in the new agreement is related to a mistake made by Summer Classics’ contractor. When the curbs were poured out of the main entrance, they accidently poured onto both sides of the Pelham’s out parcels.
“It’s a fairly negligible issue that they did pour these curbs on city property, but it’s a few feet on either side,” Hayes said. “It’s an upgrade to our property, so it’s a thank you, but it’s something that we need to address so that we can make sure there are no other issues moving forward.”
This agreement will also include the recently awarded bid for a new entrance off of U.S. 31 and the sharing of expenses for the project with Summer Classics. This new bid for paving the entrances and the median was approved by ALDOT.
“At one point the agreement was just going to be the agreement to split the cost, but as all this other stuff developed, the attorneys worked out a way to just roll this all into one,” Hayes said.
The council also,
- Authorized the donation of a bicycle to an individual recommended by Police Chief Larry Palmer, the auction of a 1972 Tiffany mobile home and the disposal of various desks, chairs and window treatments.
- Accepted a bid of $129,500 from Covenant Renovations & Roofing, LLC, for the purchase and application of a polyurethane foam and high solid silicone coating for the roof of the Pelham Civic Center and Ice Arena.
- Accepted the bid of $132,000 from Byrd Contractors, Inc. for upgrades to Sewer Lift Station I near the YMCA.
- Appointed D. Allan Wade to Place 4 on the Pelham Commercial Development Authority.