HCS Foundation seeks applications from educators for grants

Published 11:58 am Thursday, June 22, 2017


HOOVER – The Hoover City Schools Foundation, a charitable, nonprofit organization created to support Hoover City Schools by funding enhanced academics through grants, scholarships and innovative programs, is seeking applications from teams of educators who would like to pilot innovative ideas in the classroom.

“If teachers from the Hoover City Schools system have ever thought of a great idea, but didn’t have the support to make the dream a reality, this might be the place for you,” foundation Executive Director Janet Turner said. “We’re looking for teams who can develop their ideas and put them into action for the benefit of students in Hoover City Schools.”

The SeedLAB grants will be awarded to teams of educators with a maximum of five educators per team.

It is not a requirement that team members work at the same school.

Teams will be given a budget of up to $3,000 to develop and implement their idea.

Individual educators may not apply.

Applications are open and will close on June 30.

Additional important dates for applicants are included at HooverCSF.org, by clicking on “What We Fund” and then “Seed Lab.”

The Hoover City Schools Foundation was pleased to recently receive a $50,000 allocation from the city of Hoover in the city’s 2017 approved budget. These funds are allowing the foundation to further enhance academics in the school system through opportunities such as the SeedLAB program.

For more information about the Hoover City Schools Foundation, visit HooverCSF.org.

Originally founded in 1992, the Hoover City Schools Foundation was set up as part of a continuing trend across the country of charitable foundations that bridge the gap between limited school funding and the growing needs of school systems.

The Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization led by a volunteer board and independent from the school system.

Funding is provided through tax-deductible donations from individuals and corporations committed to education as well as fundraising events.