Several events coming up at Pelham library
Published 11:31 am Tuesday, October 9, 2018
- The events held at the Pelham Public Library are free to attend. (File)
PELHAM – The Pelham Public Library recently announced several events taking place in October. All of the upcoming events are free.
Here is a list of events:
Free Social Security Seminars
Monday, Oct. 8, 6-7 p.m.; Tuesday, Oct. 16, 6-7 p.m.; Thursday, Oct. 25, 6-7 p.m.; Oct. 29, 11 a.m. to noon
Wilson Financial Group will be hosting free seminars to the public on maximizing Social Security benefits. In these workshops, Philip Wilson will explain how to plan appropriately for retirement income along with how to maximize your Social Security payments. He has been a practicing financial advisor since 1989 and has obtained many professional certifications in the areas of estate and long-term care planning. Mr. Wilson is passionate about helping seniors plan for their future after retirement. RSVP by calling 205-745-3947.
¡Spanish Conversation Table!
Thursday, Oct. 11 and 18, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Do you speak Spanish but need the opportunity to practice with others? Did you take Spanish classes, study abroad, or go on mission trips to Spanish speaking countries? ¿Habla Spanglish? If so, this is the perfect group for you. Our language conversation table offers the opportunity to practice with others. We’ll come together to practice and learn in a fun and casual environment. Registration is not required.
Family History Workshop
Saturday, Oct. 20, 10:30 a.m. to noon
Curious about grandfather’s old .22 rifle? Ever wonder what stories it could tell? What about grandmother’s old box of pictures? Who were those people? Are they kin? Is there an old home place? Where is it? Who lived there? When did they move? Why? All of these and many more questions can be answered simply by asking older family and friends. Best of all, most of us have easy ways to record the answers. Our smartphones, camcorders or audio recorders make it easy if we use a few simple tricks. The time to ask questions and record answers is now. None of us are getting younger. Find out simple and easy ways to record conversations that become more valued as time passes. Not only are the stories saved — but voices and, possibly, images, too. Bert Young has been recording family stories for many years. He’ll demonstrate techniques for recording meaningful family stories during a free workshop. There is no charge to attend.
Saturday, Oct. 20, 10 a.m.
This is an informal gathering of Salesforce veterans, newbies, and those who want to learn what Salesforce is. Bring your laptops to start your Salesforce journey with #Trailhead, continue your badge journey, or just hang out with others who are passionate about Salesforce. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, please call the library at 620-6418.
Soil Sampling Program
Tuesday, Oct. 23, 6:30 p.m.
Ever wonder why you keep replacing shrubs that die in that certain spot in your yard? Are your vegetable plants puny and unproductive? You may think you lack a green thumb, but your soil might actually be the culprit. Without soil testing managing garden plant nutrients is difficult due to the complex nature of their interactions with the soil. Acid solids, for example, can limit root growth and cause nutrients to become unavailable to plants. Soil testing measures the soil’s nutrient-holding capacity and provides a basis for smart yard management decisions. Stop wasting time, sweat, and money by attending this program hosted at the Pelham Public Library by Regional Extension Agent Nelson Wynn. Mr. Wynn will cover the correct way to collect a soil sample and how to use the soil test report. This program will also cover soil PH, soil group, nutrient rating, lime, and fertilization recommendation. There is no cost to attend, but seating is limited so we ask that participants register in advance. Please call 620-6418 for more information.
Understanding Medicare Seminar
Thursday, Oct. 25, noon to 1 p.m.
Does Medicare confuse you? Get answers at this seminar provided by a Medicare advisor from Physicians Mutual. The presentation simplifies complex issues such as the Medicare parts, enrolling and more. Hundreds age into Medicare each month in this area. It is a complex and confusing process for most individuals. Attend this program and get the facts. The seminar is free and open to the public. For more information, please call the library at 620-6418.
Adult Chess Night
Thursday, Oct. 25, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
The Adult Chess Night takes place the last Thursday of the month from 5:30 – 7:30 PM. No registration needed. All games are provided and all player levels are welcome. Ages 18 and up.
Author Event Featuring Kimberly Frolander
Monday, Oct. 29, 6-7 p.m.
Come meet local author Kimberly Frolander and celebrate the release of the 5th installment in her Desert Sailors series, Baghdad Green Zone! This event is open to the public. Copies of the author’s books will be available for purchase and signing. No registration is necessary. U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Judah Wakefield just transferred from the USS Theodore Roosevelt to Baghdad, FOB Beta. Living on a Forward Operating Base is fraught with bad food, loud noise, bomb scares, and high-stress decisions that demand right call after right call. Wakefield manages to find a new friend in Israeli Defense Forces officer, Ellie Dayan. The two become the queens of interrogation at FOB Beta’s Intel House. But sometimes, their profiling and investigations require some risky field work to find truth in the heart of a war zone.
Meanwhile, LCDR David Rivers’ Super SEAL Team is training and searching for Saddam Hussein amidst soaring temperatures and 1000 sorties a day flown over head. LT Howard’s obnoxious attitude in training poses serious threats to the mission. Then rumors fly of a senior officer gone missing among the revelers as Saddam and his statue are deposed. Rivers draws the assignment to swoop in for the search and rescue, but is warned, “It’s your wife who is missing in Baghdad.”