Purses galore

Barbara Sloan, director of The Seasoned Performers, Linda Long, communications director of Sight Savers America, and Ellise Mayor, artistic director of The Seasoned Performers, look through purses that will be on sale this weekend at "A Yard Act to Follow." | Contributed
Local organizations to host yard sale this weekend
BY KATIE COLE/Lifestyles Editor
Two local non-profit organizations will host a yard and “gently used” purse sale this weekend.
The Seasoned Performers, which bills itself as “Alabama’s only senior adult theatre,” will hold “A Yard Act to Follow” at the Bluff Park Community School on Saturday.
Sight Savers America, an eye care organization based in Pelham that serves disadvantaged youth, is helping host the event.
Linda Long, communications director for Sight Savers, said the organization will contribute hundreds of purses to the yard sale. The purses are left over from a “gently used” purse sale fundraiser the organization held in November.
Long said more than 3,000 purses were donated to Sight Savers for the original fundraiser. There are about 12 boxes of purses remaining.
“That’s down from about 50,” she said.
Shoppers can expect to find a wide variety of purses, including designer, vintage, hobo, beach bags and recent fashion bags, according to a press release from the organization.
Long said the purses will range in price from less than $5 to $30, although a few of the new or designer bags may cost a bit more.
In addition to the purses, the yard sale will include furniture, clothing, linens, dishes, kitchen supplies, books, CDs, Christmas decorations, golf clubs and more.
Funds raised during the yard sale will be used to support Sight Savers and The Seasoned Performers.
Long said Sight Savers serves “underprivileged and underserved” children obtain proper eye care, including eye exams, glasses, vision equipment, medication and surgery.
“Of course, all of the funds (from the purse sale) will go to our kids, Sight Savers,” Long said.
The Season Performers will use money raised from the yard sale to assist with the organization’s upcoming move. The group will join Artists on the Bluff, a community of artists housed in the old Bluff Park Elementary School, according to the press release.
The yard sale will be held Saturday, Aug. 6 from 8 a.m. to noon in the cafeteria at the Bluff Park Community School, located at 571 Park Avenue.
For more information, contact The Seasoned Performers at 978-5095 or mail@seasonedperformers.org or visit Seasonedperformers.org.
For Sight Savers America, call 942-2627, ext. 227 or email info@sightsaversamerica.org.