
Christmas in July creates new buzz

It’s amazing what simple will do, and the city of Pelham recently showcased that when it announced the ...


Kramer deserving of retirement as juvenile judge

Imagine sitting in a courtroom looking out over a family and having to make the decision of whether ...


Living out an Olympic dream

We all remember those days of inspirational speakers coming to our school and telling us anything was possible.


Leaders in the community at 8 years old

When most of us hear of a tragedy, we stop, we say a prayer and we keep whoever ...


Helena sets standard for sensory training

With a man in the middle of a local highway appearing to be in some form of psychiatric ...


Chelsea schools at an important crossroads

Does the good outweigh the bad? That’s a decision the city of Chelsea and its residents will likely ...


A change on the horizon for fast food

The COVID-19 pandemic flipped life as we knew it upside down, and some of those effects are still ...


A silver lining summer on the horizon

This time two years ago students were just getting out of school and spending more time at home ...


Class of 2021 will always fight back

Entering the Chelsea High School football stadium on Tuesday, May 25, Emmanuel Latavious Moore looked to be in ...


A path many are scared to take

There is no hiding the tension between police and many around the country right now, which has made ...


Battling the corporate warriors

Since he was a kid growing up next to the bustling chaos of Disney World, Jeff Webster dreamed ...


A tradition like no other

It’s one of the county’s most storied traditions each year, but last year, Greystone Golf and Country Club ...


Helena Police do their part in helping others

While we continue to see divide among the public and police in many parts of the country, some ...


Reaching minorities is key during pandemic

Your willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccine depends on just one thing—either you trust that it will provide ...


At long last, we celebrate leadership grads

The last year has led to many ups and downs, but for one of Shelby County’s greatest traditions, ...

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