Employees major part of Calera budget
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 22, 2002
&uot;I think it is a good budget. Most of the money is spent on new hires and equipment,&uot; said Calera Mayor George Roy
of his city’s $7.7 million fiscal year 2003 budget.
The budget, which was
approved at a recent council meeting, includes a projected $4 million in sales tax revenues, which Roy noted has come a long way from the $888,000 in sales tax revenues the city generated just five years ago.
He cited the Walmart Supercenter as a major contributor as well as an increase in the city sales tax levy from 2 to 3 percent in April 2001.
Roy also said the budget includes new vehicles and safety improvements such as a new traffic light for Exit 231 off Interstate 65.
Highlights of the 2002-03 general fund budget also include 13 new employees (not counting one new employee in the separate gas budget) and
10 new vehicles (not counting one in the gas budget),
funds for the new park at Second Avenue, a downtown revitalization plan and upgrades to the tax and zoning maps.
The council approved a general fund budget with an anticipated $7,740,535 in revenues and $7,615,048 in projected expenses.
The meeting at which the budget was approved had been moved from Oct. 7 to accommodate council members who were anticipated to be out of town.
The council also approved a separate sewer budget with $1.236 million in projected revenues and $945,708 in projected expenses and a separate gas budget with $1.3 million in projected revenues and $1.2 million in projected expenses.
Highlights of the
2002-03 Calera general fund budget are as follows:
The administrative budget will total $1.5 million and includes $47,300 in salaries and wages and $15,000 for downtown revitalization.
The public works budget will total $1.7 million and includes $663,256 in salaries and wages, $50,000 for a traffic light at the 231 exit off Interstate 65, $24,000 for a one-ton truck with boom to replace a 1978 truck, $18,500 for a three-quarter-ton pickup truck and $25,000 for a one-ton truck with dump body.
The building maintenance budget total is $360,196 and include $89,611 in salaries and wages, one new employee and $13,000 for a new service vehicle.
The building inspection budget is $276,492 and includes $170,268 in salaries and wages, one new employee, $31,500 for two new service vehicles and $25,000 for tax and zoning map upgrades.
The planning and zoning budget is $110,177 and includes $50,877 in salaries and wages,
$15,700 for a new vehicle and $25,000 for a tax and zoning map upgrades.
The police department budget is $1.36 million and includes $1.08 million in salaries and wages, two new employees, $60,000 for two vehicles,
$4,000 for K-9 operations, $86,800 for automotive operations and $14,600 for jail operations.
The fire department budget is $1.24 and includes $973,904 in salaries and wages, seven new employees, $50,000 for repair and upkeep of equipment, $86,000 in capital expenditures including $35,000 for equipment, $25,000 for two new heart monitors and $26,000 for one new chief’s vehicle.
The library budget is $301,021 and includes $76,131 in salaries and wages, one new employee and $205,000 for technology.
The parks and recreation budget is $504,921. The largest part of that budget is $300,000 for the new park at Second Avenue.
Municipal court expenses total $226,110 including $18,403 in salaries and wages as well as one new employee.
The educational support and donation budget totals $37,524 and includes $12,000 for the Greater Shelby County Partnership and $6,000 for the Metropolitan Development Board.
Sewer budget expenses include one new employee, $239,440 in salaries and wages,
$188,000 in sewer bond interest, $140,000 for the extension on 22 from Daventry west of Shelby Academy, $21,800 for a service truck, $2,800 for a boom and winch and $600 for a push mower.
The gas budget includes $247,173 in salaries and wages