Montevallo council hears road vacation arguments

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 30, 2003

After nearly an hour of debate in a recent public hearing, Montevallo Mayor Grady Parker asked if the parties on both sides a road vacation dispute try to work things out while the city decides its position in the matter.

Representatives of Tommy Arledge and Sherman Holland debated the pros and cons of vacating a section of road north of Dry Creek reportedly not in use for 30 years.

Also disputed was the contention that Holland is an abutting landowner who has a right to decline his consent to the action.

While the city took no action on the road vacation dispute, the second regular September meeting of Montevallo City Council did see action on insurance benefits for retired full-time city employees.

The City Council voted unanimously to contribute 75 percent (a maximum contribution of $250) the cost of single family insurance coverage and 50 percent (a maximum contribution of $550) the cost for family coverage for retired full-time personnel

with 25 years of service with the city beginning at age 58.

Sharon Anderson introduced an amendment to a recent rezoning ordinance approved by the council.

The council recently voted to rezone about 85 acres of land off Highway 119 and Alex Mill Road from Agriculture Open A-o to Development 1 (D-1) for a subdivision subject to conventional subdivision and gateway overlay rules.

But the change was made contingent on the sale of the property from Steve Lee to Bill Wilkins.

Anderson told the council that she had learned the contingency of the sale of the property was not recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board.

As a result, she introduced an ordinance amendment to remove that contingency. The matter will come up for a vote at the council’s next regular meeting.

In other matters:

* Councilmember Greg Pendleton said a proposal to make Vine Street one-way needs further study.

* It was agreed that test convex mirrors to help traffic see oncoming traffic will be erected on both sides of Main Street at People’s Bank and Subway.

* It was agreed that a Public Safety Committee opinion is need for a stop sign at Crestview parkway and that the Centrala Garden Club should be consulted concerning a proposal to move the Wildflower Garden to a hillside at Orr Park.

* The council agreed that a geotechnical study of the new library site should be conducted by Gallet at a cost of


The company will make the study at 20-feet and 10-feet below grade.

* And the council unanimously approved the transfer of a retail Restaurant Liquor License for Pat and Ben Allred at the Montevallo Grille