Need solutions from ‘no’ voters
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Everyone got the message from Shelby County voters.
It was a clear one &045; 73 to 27 percent &045; 20,192 to 7,522.
Loud and clear. Quick and painful to some but an absolute euphoric coup to others.
It was clear that county residents were rejecting the use of more property taxes to pay for our schools.
The fact is, however, that our schools must be paid for.
Our children must receive an education.
There must be teachers, classrooms and textbooks so our children will be able to learn.
Tax increase proponents offered their solution to the problem of continually funding an ever-expanding school system.
That solution has been eliminated.
So, we ask those who voted no on the tax increase measure to step forward with some solutions of their own.
We must move past the &uot;blame game&uot; that naysayers are so fond of and so good at, and into an environment that will bring about healthy and useful solutions to our funding shortfalls.
For years now, Shelby County has been a leader in this state in most every category, a fact of which we should be proud.
Let’s not let the issue of funding our children’s education change us from first to worst