Another push for accountability
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Shelby County’s local legislators must ensure that fellow lawmakers pass Gov. Bob Riley’s accountability measures if he calls a special legislative session this summer.
Riley’s long-awaited accountability bills failed during this year’s regular legislative session, much to the ire of Shelby County voters.
The fact is, the people still don’t trust their government.
Our legislature just managed to get a general fund budget passed, but few of the other important issues before them made it back from Goat Hill.
Now, legislators are facing the possibility of reconvening for a special legislative session to address some of the Governor’s concerns.
Riley highlighted his ideas for increasing government accountability during his campaign, but so far, legislative hem hawing has prevented him from putting his ideas into action.
In a time of budget-crunching, stronger accountability of elected officials makes good sense