Columbiana appoints acting city clerk, chief
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 26, 2004
The Columbiana City Council accepted the resignation of City Clerk Terry Collum and Police Chief Michael Lann and appointed temporary, acting replacements for both during recent organizational actions.
They approved Gina Antolini as temporary, acting city clerk. And Mayor Allan Lowe appointed Sgt. Johnny Brown as temporary, acting police chief.
The council also:
Elected Seale as Mayor Pro Tem.
Changed council meeting times from 7 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month
to 6:30 p.m. Pre council will continue to be held at
6 p.m.
Adopted rules of council procedures.
Ratified Regions Bank, First National Bank of Shelby County and Colonial Bank as the depositories of mutual funds.
Approved Seale as the councilmember to countersign checks with Public Works Directory Lewis H.(Hilry) King.
Appointed all administrative officers and employees of the city to their respective duties pending permanent appointment.
Approved Mike Atchison as City Judge and Conrad Fowler as City Attorney.
Saw Lowe appoint John DeLoach as City Auditor.
Approved funds to pay the auditor
appointed by the mayor.
In other matters the council:
Voted to advertise and accept employment applications for the position of city clerk until a sufficient are received.
Approved the low bid of Ernest McCarty Ford for a used 2002 Ford Explorer in the amount of $12,525.85 for the Public Works Department. That vote was 4-1-1 with Kelley opposed and Abrams abstained. Both Kelley and Abrams said their votes based on their being new on the council and being unfamiliar with the source of funding.
Approved Joanna Seale to the use the city credit card to attend the Municipal Revenue Officers Institute.
Approved Antolini to use the city credit card to attend the Municipal Clerks Institute.
Approved a holiday schedule including: Veterans Day, Nov. 11; Thanksgiving, Nov. 25 and 26; Christmas, Dec. 23 and 24; New Years Day, Dec. 31; Martin Luther King, Jan. 17; Memorial Day, May 30; Independence Day, July 4; and Labor Day, Sept. 5.
Approved Jim Caudle as a temporary, part-time employee at the Water Treatment Facility at $20 per hour effective immediately.
Approved the employment of Vernie Alexander Johnson as a full-time police officer at Grade 1 effective Oct. 18.
Approved meals and lodging for a police officer to attend Global Positioning System training school.
Approved fund transfers.
Received Mayor Allan Lowe’s appointment of Tim Billingsley as Emergency Management Coordinator for the city