Calera sewage improvements set for November
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Calera will improve its sewage treatment capacity this month with the addition of a treatment tank.
Calera has struggled to keep up with the increase in sewage as the city has grown.
Calera is commonly touted as Alabama’s fastest-growing city with a population under 10,000.
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management is preparing an administrative order to direct the city to comply with state regulations regarding sewage.
Clint Niemeyer, spokesman for ADEM, said the order will be ready in about two weeks.
Niemeyer said Calera’s violations relate to hydraulic overloading at the city’s sewage treatment plant.
ADEM has cited the city for violating regulations regarding the release of sewage into Buxahatchee Creek.
Last spring, ADEM cited Calera for releasing too much suspended solids and other nutrients found in sewage.
The city has continued to violate ADEM regulations throughout the summer, Niemeyer said.
The administrative order will include the city’s violations this year.
&uot;The order will take into consideration additional violations over the past several months,&uot; he said.
Currently, Calera’s sewage treatment plant can treat up to 750,000 gallons per day.
The city is installing a new tank of the same size at the plant.
Once it is installed, the city will retro-fit the old tank, doubling the city’s treatment capacity.
The new tank is part of the city’s $11 million sewage renovation and improvement, which includes a new 3.5 million gallon per day treatment plant that could open next summer