Let it grow: Moving can be a pain in the ‘plants’

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 18, 2005

So, you’re getting ready to move to your new home and you have everything packed up.

The movers are coming and the new family will be moving in after the painters finish destroying the faux finishes that you paid thousands of dollars to have an artist to create just for you.

What have you forgotten?

Just like the decorative painting on your walls and ceilings, you spent a lot of money and time decorating your garden.

Some of the perennials you planted are blooming and some are dormant.

You’d like to take them with you, but the selling deal says you can’t remove &uot;real property.&uot;

Plants are real property if they are in the ground.

OK. Mulch can be a wonderful thing.

Take those dormant plants that you planted and cover the evidence with mulch.

Take cuttings from your plants that are actively growing and root them.

If you take divisions from some of them, be sure to leave everything appearing to be just the same as the real estate agent saw.

If you are moving house plants or other container plants in an open truck, be sure to haul them in the early morning or late afternoon.

Cover the plants with a shade cloth or sheets to keep the wind and sun from beating them up or burning them.

I’m moving this week and can you guess what I have been doing? Yup.

I have been moving plants, cutting and dividing and doing a lot of mulching.

If you want to know specifics on taking cuttings or divisions and how to transport them, please e-mail me.

For more gardening tips tune in to Home Grown Tomatoes every Saturday from 6-8 a.m. on 101.1 FM or

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