City Council Minutes

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Oct. 4, 2005

The regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Westover, Alabama is held in the Town of Westover, Town Hall in Westover, Alabama at 7:00 p.m. on October 4, 2005, at the regular place for such regular sessions.

Upon roll call, the Mayor declares a Quorum present and the regular session open for transaction of business.

In attendance were:

Councilmembers Ed Bahr, Jeanne Champion Fisch, Larry Riggins, Susan Strickland, Annette Tyler, and Mayor Mark McLaughlin



The Mayor announced the following:

Sheriff’s contract service has started this week.

A second reading of the Police Jurisdiction Sales Tax will occur tonight.

Shelby County is still working on the park issue and prelim work is still being done.

Remember the library

Use the website and voicemail to obtain information about upcoming meetings.

Alabama Gas is installing a natural gas line along Co 51 to Co. 280 and then towards to Chelsea city limits line and then towards to the City of Harpersville.

Former Councilmember Bobbie Bradberry passing.

Letter from former Mayor Roger West is read at the meeting addressing the passing of Bobbie Bradberry.

The Mayor presented the minutes from the September 20, 2005, regular meeting.

Councilmember Bahr moved to accept minutes as presented, and Councilmember Riggins seconded the motion.

No discussion .The vote was taken and Mayor McLaughlin declared the motion passing with unanimous vote.

The vote was as follows:


Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin



FINANCE REPORT – Clerk Jones presents the finance report to the council.

Riggins moves to accept the report with a second from Tyler.

No discussion and then McLaughlin declares motion passing with unanimous vote.

Reports of Standing Committees

ANNEXATION AND DEVELOPMENT – Councilmember Riggins-several properties have been annexed into town over the past year.

PUBLIC SAFETY – Councilmember Strickland-no report

EDUCATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS – Councilmember Tyler-no report for education.

Public Relations-Library This month will be October Tails. Children’s programs are planned for October, November and December.

Senior’s program will be November 7th at 10:00a.m. at the Town Hall.

SUBDIVISION AND ZONING – Councilmember Champion Fisch-

Several building permits are in the works and building is beginning.

PUBLIC WORKS – Councilmember Bahr-handicapped ramp is built and bids are being considered for handrails.


Parks and Recreation:

Councilmember Bahr-no report.


Commission Chair Michael Sampsell-Planning Commission is recommending the rezoning application from Rhonda Elliott to the Council for approval.

Accepted preliminary subdivision application from Michael and Julie Nelson for a proposed subdivision on County 280 and a rezoning application from Mr. Lionel Chappell with a public hearing on October 25 to discuss the proposed subdivision proposed by Mr. Lionel Chappell.

Elliott’s rezoning application approved and sent to Council for acceptance.


Historical Commission- Councilmember Tyler- turns over floor to Councilmember Champion Fisch to present report.

Mt. Tabor will hold the dedication of the cemetery plaque on Oct. 16, 2005.

Beautification-Next meeting Saturday, November 5th at the Town Hall.


Mr. Butch Ellis not present tonight.


Board member, Mrs. Janelle Bennett, reports that 2 cases have been approved concerning lots set back variances.

Old Business: None

New Business:

Councilmember Riggins moves with a second from Bahr to hold a public hearing for the Elliott rezoning on November 1, 2005 at the next regular scheduled council meeting. Being no discussion, motion passes with unanimous vote.

The vote is as follows:


Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and McLaughlin







Clerk Jones reads into the minutes for second time Ordinance to levy collection of taxes in town’s Police Jurisdiction. Being no further discussion, Councilmember Bahr moves that we accept.

Being a roll call vote the vote is as follows:


Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Tyler, McLaughlin



Mayor McLaughlin presents to the council the proposed budget for the 2005-2006 fiscal year.

Councilmember Tyler moves to adopt budget with a second from Councilmember Bahr.

During Discussion, Councilmember Champion Fisch moves to change line item 8265-Board of Zoning Adjustment Expenses from $850.00 to $1850.00 to cover projected expenses and education. Being no further discussion, a roll call vote occurs and is as follows:


Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, McLaughlin



Being no comments, additional new business or committee reports, Councilmember Strickland moves to adjourn and second is by Councilmember Riggins.

Motion to adjourn carries by unanimous vote of members.

After vote is taken, Mayor McLaughlin announces that The Council stands adjourned until the next regular session on Tuesday, which is, Oct. 18, 2005, at 7:00 p.m., at the Westover Town Hall and pre-meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Vote to adjourn is as follows:


Bahr, Champion Fisch, Riggins, Strickland, Tyler, and Mayor McLaughlin



Sept. 20, 2005

The Town Council of the Town of Vincent, Alabama met for a Public Hearing on September 20, 2005 at 6:30 P.M. Mayor Terry Allen called the meeting to order and Johnny Edwards opened the meeting with prayer. Present were:

Mayor Terry Allen, Council Member Larry King, Council Member Ernest Kidd, Council, Member Johnny Edwards, Council Member Billy Raye Moore, Council Member Mary Lee Reynolds, Town Clerk Becky Landers, Court Clerk Edna Greene

Mayor Allen declared a quorum present.

Tonight’s hearing was to address questions and concerns from the public in regards to the rezoning request submitted by Todd and Allison Jones. They wish to have their property rezoned from (A-1) agricultural to (B-2) General Business. This property is located on Highway 231 directly across from the Vincent Fire Station.

After establishing the rules of order for the hearing, Mayor Allen opened the floor to Lori Gowin. Ms. Gowin had submitted information and a petition signed by some Vincent residents protesting the rezoning of this property to the Mayor and Council. Ms. Gowin feels this business venture would fail due to lack of customer base and is concerned about extra traffic, noise and lights, decrease of their property value, and loitering.

Todd and Mary Jones stated they have researched Cr Wash businesses for the past five years and feel this business would do well in Vincent, especially as it will be located on a U.S. Highway.

Council Member Johnny Edwards announced he went door to door visiting 51 homes in his district asking how they felt about the proposed car wash. He stated 41 out of 51 were in favor of the car wash. Council Member Ernest Kidd stated he has never seen anyone loitering at a car wash and feels U.S. Highway 231 is a perfect location site for a car wash. Mayor Allen said loitering will not be problem as our police patrol this area often.

A motion to adjourn was made by Johnny Edwards and seconded by Larry King. Time: 7:00 P.M.


Oct. 3, 2005

The Council of the City of Helena met in a regular scheduled meeting on Monday night, October 3, 2005 in the Helena Municipal Building at 7:00 P.M., regular place and time for holding said meetings.

Meeting called to order by Mayor Penhale at 7:01 P.M.

Roll Call

Present: Charles W. Penhale, Mayor, Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

Absent: Colleen Lenz

A quorum was declared present and meeting open for business.

Jerry Pate made a motion to accept the minutes as written from the September 6, 2005 and September 16, 2005 meetings and Barbara Hyche seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

Jerry Pate made a motion to accept and pay current bills and Katherine Ennis seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

Resolution 10032005 – Direct Public Notification Policy – Alabama Open Meetings Act (copy becomes part of minutes)

Mayor Penhale related that this bill was passed in the Legislation this last session and replaces the Sunshine Law with special notification listing for the agendas.

Tom Lefebvre made a motion to suspend the reading of Resolution 10032005 and Jerry Pate seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

Jerry Pate made a motion to adopt Resolution 10032005 and Katherine Ennis seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

Pam Folsom & Leigh Bratina – 113C St. Charles Drive – Home Occupation License &8220;Heirloom Embroidery & Gifts LLC&8221; (copy of letter of request becomes part of minutes)

Tom Lefebvre made a motion to allow the home occupation license and Katherine Ennis seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche and Tom Lefebvre

NAY: Jerry Pate

Motion carried.

Deborah Hembree – 2781 Coalmont Road – Home Occupation

&8220;Tymes Past&8221; (copy of letter of request becomes part of minutes).

Tom Lefebvre made a motion to approve the home occupation license and Barbara Hyche seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

Jim Wathen – 1115 Old Cahaba Circle – Home Occupation License &8220;Jimsco LLC&8221; (copy of letter of request becomes part of minutes).

There being no further questions and/or comments, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion.

Jerry Pate made a motion to approve the home occupation license and Tom Lefebvre seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

Annexation Ordinance 683-05A – Blazer Group LLC – 138 +/- Acres

George Pickle related the acreage for annexation is off South Shades Crest Road and will adjoin already existing City limits of Helena so therefore there will be no halfway rule.

Road frontage is the part that touches South Shades Crest Road.

Tom Lefebvre made a motion to give immediate consideration to Ordinance 683-05A for annexation of 138 +/- acres and Barbara Hyche seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

Tom Lefebvre made a motion to adopt Ordinance 683-05A for annexation and Jerry Pate seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

T&A Partners, Inc. – Asbury Parc – Final Plat Approval (45 Lots) – Property located off South Shades Crest Road with favorable recommendation for the Helena Planning and Zoning Commission meeting 9/22/2005.

Gary Thompson, Jr./T&A Partners Inc. was present at the meeting.

There being no further questions and/or comments, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion.

Jerry Pate made a motion to approve Asbury Parc – Final Plat (45 Lots) and Barbara Hyche seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis,

Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

Bill Farrington/Lake Martin Building Supply – ACE Hardware Site Plan Approval on property located off Shelby County Hwy 91 (across from Publix) with favorable recommendation from the Helena Planning and Zoning Commission meeting 9/22/2005.

Casey Farrington/Lake Martin Building Supply was present for the presentation of the ACE Hardware site plan approval.

There being no further questions and/or comments, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion.

Jerry Pate made a motion to approve ACE

Hardware Site Plan with all commitments made at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as noted and Katherine Ennis seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

Mike Robertson/USS Real Estate – Hillsboro Sector 3 – Preliminary Plat Approval (397 Lots) property located to the North of Shelby County Hwy 52W with stipulations from the Helena Planning and Zoning Commission meeting 9/22/2005.

Mayor Penhale asked if there were any questions and/or comments from the audience or any further questions from the Council.

There being none, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion.

Tom Lefebvre made a motion to approve Hillsboro Sector 3 – Preliminary Plat (397 Lots) with the commitments made for the emergency entrance and Jerry Pate seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

Resolution 10032005A – Condemnation of Norfolk-Southern Railroad for Water Main Extension from South Shades Crest to Chestnut Forest Water Tank Site

Jerry Pate made a motion to give immediate consideration and suspend the reading of Resolution 10032005A and Katherine Ennis seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

Jerry Pate made a motion to adopt Resolution 10032005A and Tom Lefebvre seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate

NAY: None

Motion carried.

There being no further business, meeting was duly adjourned by Mayor Penhale at 7:45 p.m