City Council Minutes for November 30, 2005
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 29, 2005
October 17, 2005
Present: Mayor Bobby Hayes; Mr. Mike Dickens, Council President; Ms. Karyl Rice, Council Member; Mr. Willard Payne, Council Member; Ms. Rosemary Metcalf, Council Member; Mr. Robert Sullivan, Council Member
Council President Mike Dickens called the meeting to order.
Willard Payne led the invocation.
Mike Dickens asked that the record show all members of the council present.
Robert Sullivan moved to waive the oral reading of the October 3, 2005 minutes and approve as presented.
Rosemary Metcalf seconded the motion.
Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
There was no old business before the council.
During new business Ordinance No. 418 was introduced prohibiting intoxication in a public place or in a private place open to the pubic view and to further prohibit consumption or possession of open containers of alcoholic beverages in a public place.
Willard Payne moved to suspend the rules to allow immediate consideration of Ordinance No. 418.
Karyl Rice seconded the motion, and Mike Dickens called for a roll call vote.
The clerk recorded the following votes.
Aye: Mike Dickens, Willard Payne, Rosemary Metcalf, Karyl Rice, Robert Sullivan
Mike Dickens declared the rules suspended for immediate consideration of Ordinance 418.
Thereupon Rosemary Metcalf moved to approve Ordinance No. 418 as presented.
Robert Sullivan seconded the motion.
Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
Mike Dickens introduced Ordinance No. 419 providing for the issuance of $10,000,000 principal amount of General Obligation Warrants, Series 2005 dated October 1, 2005 and associated documents pertaining to the issue.
Karyl Rice moved to suspend the rules to allow immediate consideration of Ordinance No. 419.
Willard Payne seconded the motion, and Mike Dickens called for a roll call vote.
The clerk recorded the following votes.
Aye: Mike Dickens, Willard Payne, Rosemary Metcalf, Karyl Rice, Robert Sullivan
Mike Dickens declared the rules suspended for immediate consideration of Ordinance No. 419.
Thereupon Karyl Rice moved to approve Ordinance No. 419 as presented.
Willard Payne seconded the motion.
Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
A resolution was introduced authorizing the city clerk to solicit bids for a fire truck.
Rosemary Metcalf moved to approve the resolution as presented.
Robert Sullivan seconded the motion.
Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
A resolution was introduced rejecting the single bid received for electrical installation of specialty lightning for the Pelham Civic Complex.
Willard Payne moved to approve the resolution as presented.
Karyl Rice seconded the motion.
Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
Mike Dickens recognized Scout Troop 533 from Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church.
With no other business before the council, Willard Payne moved to adjourn.
Rosemary Metcalf seconded the motion, and the meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
November 7, 2005
Present: Mayor Bobby Hayes, Mr. Mike Dickens, Council President, Ms. Karyl Rice, Council Member, Mr. Willard Payne, Council Member, Ms. Rosemary Metcalf, Council Member, Mr. Robert Sullivan, Council Member
Council President Mike Dickens called the meeting to order.
Karyl Rice led the invocation.
Mike Dickens asked that the record show all members of the council present.
Willard Payne moved to waive the oral reading of the October 17, 2005 work session and regular meeting minutes and approve as presented.
Rosemary Metcalf seconded the motion.
Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
There was no old business before the council.
During new business Ordinance No. 420 was introduced to designate &8220;No Truck&8221; zones
on residential streets and to authorize the Director of Public Works to erect appropriate signage.
Karyl Rice moved to suspend the rules to allow immediate consideration of Ordinance No. 420.
Rosemary Metcalf seconded the motion, and Mike Dickens called for a roll call vote.
The clerk recorded the following votes.
AYE: Mike Dickens, Willard Payne, Rosemary Metcalf, Karyl Rice, Robert Sullivan
Mike Dickens declared the rules suspended for immediate consideration of Ordinance 420.
Thereupon Karyl Rice moved to approve Ordinance No. 420 as presented.
Willard Payne seconded the motion.
Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
Mike Dickens introduced Ordinance No. 421 annexing property located at 1545 Highway 35 owned by Don and Faye Reeves.
Karyl Rice moved to suspend the rules to allow immediate consideration of Ordinance No. 421.
Willard Payne seconded the motion, and Mike Dickens called for a roll call vote.
The clerk recorded the following votes.
AYE: Mike Dickens, Willard Payne, Rosemary Metcalf, Karyl Rice, Robert Sullivan
Mike Dickens declared the rules suspended for immediate consideration of Ordinance No. 421.
Thereupon Rosemary Metcalf moved to approve Ordinance No. 421 as presented.
Karyl Rice seconded the motion.
Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
A resolution was introduced to consider ABC applications for 050 Retail Beer (Off Premises Only) and 070 Retail Table Wine (Off Premises Only) for Applicant ZK Dewani, Inc.
Trade Name – Coosa Mart located at 2030 Old Montgomery Highway, Pelham, AL.
Willard Payne moved to approve the resolution as presented.
Rosemary Metcalf seconded the motion.
Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
A resolution was introduced amending the surplus property resolution passed on October 3, 2005, deleting specified items from the surplus list.
Karyl Rice moved to approve the resolution as presented.
Willard Payne seconded the motion.
Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
A resolution was introduced declaring surplus items to be sold by the city.
Rosemary Metcalf moved to approve the resolution as presented.
Karyl Rice seconded the motion.
Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
A resolution was introduced to accept the bid of $10,895.50 from Regal Chemical Company for fertilizer plus herbicide combination product for Ballantrae Golf Club. Rosemary Metcalf moved to approve the resolution as presented.
Willard Payne seconded the motion.
Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.
With no other business before the council, Rosemary Metcalf moved to adjourn.
Robert Sullivan seconded the motion, and the meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.
October 3, 2005
The Council of the City of Helena met in a regular scheduled meeting on Monday night, October 3, 2005 in the Helena Municipal Building at 7:00 P.M., regular place and time for holding said meetings.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Penhale at 7:01 P.M.
Jerry Pate led prayer.
Pledge of Allegiance recited by all.
Present: Charles W. Penhale, Mayor, Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate
Absent: Colleen Lenz
A quorum was declared present and meeting open for business.
Resolution 10032005 – Direct Public Notification Policy – Alabama Open Meetings Act (copy becomes part of minutes)
Mayor Penhale related that this bill was passed in the Legislation this last session and replaces the Sunshine Law with special notification listing for the agendas.
Tom Lefebvre made a motion to suspend the reading of Resolution 10032005 and Jerry Pate seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:
Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate
Motion carried.
Jerry Pate made a motion to adopt Resolution 10032005 and Katherine Ennis seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:
Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate
Motion carried.
Pam Folsom & Leigh Bratina – 113C St. Charles Drive – Home Occupation License &8220;Heirloom Embroidery & Gifts LLC&8221; (copy of letter of request becomes part of minutes)
Tom Lefebvre made a motion to allow the home occupation license and Katherine Ennis seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:
Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche and Tom Lefebvre
Jerry Pate
Motion carried.
Deborah Hembree – 2781 Coalmont Road – Home Occupation
&8220;Tymes Past&8221; (copy of letter of request becomes part of minutes).
Mrs. Hembree stated she was asking for a home occupation license but also related that they had a 1,600 square foot building, separate from the residence at the end of Highway 91, builds furniture and wanted to know if they could possibly open the building for retail.
Tom Lefebvre made a motion to approve the home occupation license and Barbara Hyche seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:
Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate
Motion carried.
Jim Wathen – 1115 Old Cahaba Circle – Home Occupation License &8220;Jimsco LLC&8221; (copy of letter of request becomes part of minutes).
There being no further questions and/or comments, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion.
Jerry Pate made a motion to approve the home occupation license and Tom Lefebvre seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:
Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate
Motion carried.
Annexation Ordinance 683-05A – Blazer Group LLC – 138 +/- Acres
Tom Lefebvre made a motion to give immediate consideration to Ordinance 683-05A for annexation of 138 +/- acres and Barbara Hyche seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:
Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate
Motion carried.
Tom Lefebvre made a motion to adopt Ordinance 683-05A for annexation and Jerry Pate seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:
Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate
Motion carried.
T&A Partners, Inc. – Asbury Parc – Final Plat Approval (45 Lots) – Property located off South Shades Crest Road with favorable recommendation for the Helena Planning and Zoning Commission meeting 9/22/2005.
Gary Thompson, Jr./T&A Partners Inc. was present at the meeting.
There being no further questions and/or comments, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion.
Jerry Pate made a motion to approve Asbury Parc – Final Plat (45 Lots) and Barbara Hyche seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:
Katherine Ennis,
Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate
Motion carried.
Bill Farrington/Lake Martin Building Supply – ACE Hardware Site Plan Approval on property located off Shelby County Hwy 91 (across from Publix) with favorable recommendation from the Helena Planning and Zoning Commission meeting 9/22/2005.
Casey Farrington/Lake Martin Building Supply was present for the presentation of the ACE Hardware site plan approval.
There being no further questions and/or comments, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion.
Jerry Pate made a motion to approve ACE
Hardware Site Plan with all commitments made at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as noted and Katherine Ennis seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:
Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate
Motion carried.
Mike Robertson/USS Real Estate – Hillsboro Sector 3 – Preliminary Plat Approval (397 Lots) property located to the North of Shelby County Hwy 52W with stipulations from the Helena Planning and Zoning Commission meeting 9/22/2005.
Mayor Penhale asked if there were any questions and/or comments from the audience or any further questions from the Council.
There being none, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion.
Tom Lefebvre made a motion to approve Hillsboro Sector 3 – Preliminary Plat (397 Lots) with the commitments made for the emergency entrance and Jerry Pate seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:
Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate NAY:
Motion carried.
Resolution 10032005A – Condemnation of Norfolk-Southern Railroad for Water Main Extension from South Shades Crest to Chestnut Forest Water Tank Site
Jerry Pate made a motion to give immediate consideration and suspend the reading of Resolution 10032005A and Katherine Ennis seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:
Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate
Motion carried.
Jerry Pate made a motion to adopt Resolution 10032005A and Tom Lefebvre seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:
AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre and Jerry Pate
Motion carried.
There being no further business, meeting was duly adjourned by Mayor Penhale at 7:45 p.m