City Council Minutes for December 7, 2005

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 6, 2005


Nov. 14, 2005


Sharon Anderson, Dana Byrd, Hollie Cost, Becky Cox, Willie Goldsmith, and Greg Pendleton.

Council Member Byrd asked to correct a typo on page 3 of the October 10, 2005 minutes.

The minutes from the October 10, 2005 council meeting were approved, with the one correction and mailed.

The minutes of the October 24, 2005 Council Meeting were approved as written and mailed.

The minutes of the October 27, 2005 Special Council Meeting were approved as written and mailed.

Opportunities for Citizens to Address the Council

Jacqueline Curtis, who lives in Fairview Subdivision, questioned the notification method for garbage pickup due to holidays.

Dee Woodham invited everyone to attend a meeting on Tuesday November 29 at University Baptist Church for &8220;Citizens for Montevallo.&8221;

She also requested a policy on recording council meetings.

Ben McCrory reminded everyone of the Chamber meeting on Wednesday November 16.

They will be showing the &8220;Hometown Tour&8221; dvd.

He also reminded everyone that the annual

Christmas parade will be Thursday November 17, 2005 at 6:00 p.m.

Linda Lawley invited everyone to American Village on Thursday November 16 at 10:00.

John Riley, the historic director for the White House will be the featured speaker.

New Business

Council Member Goldsmith made a motion to approve the rezoning of nineteen acres belonging to Sue Mikul from A-O to D-1 Conventional.

Council Member Cox seconded the motion.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.

Council Member Byrd made a motion to approve the contract for Shelby County Jail Services for FYE 2006.

Council Member Pendleton seconded.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.

Council Member Goldsmith made a motion to carry over the Municipal Workers Compensation Fund Statement of Commitment until the November 28, 2005 council meeting.

Council Member Cost asked for additional time to consider and review the sewer line extension and pump station for HWY 119.

Council Member Goldsmith asked if we could schedule a special meeting later this week.

It was agreed by the Council that a special meeting would be held this week to address this matter.

Old Business

Council Member Cox asked that we remove the proposed Landscape Ordinance 05A until the Planning & Zoning Board makes a decision.

City Clerk Carey Thompson updated the council on the proposed hiking trail connecting Orr and Stephen’s parks.

There was a meeting of the City, University, and ADECA representatives in which ADECA suggested changing the wording from a license to a lease.

The University was receptive to the change and their attorneys would make the necessary changes and contact the City’s attorney when completed.

Council Member Cox recommended that we strike from the agenda the discussion on street parking in downtown neighborhoods.

Council Member Cost advised that the Ad Hoc Committee opposing the proposed quarry has not met since the last public meeting at Thompson High School.

City Clerk Carey Thompson read from the minutes of the meetings with the Department Heads updating the plan for growth in Montevallo.

Council Member Pendleton made a motion to ratify the new public records request form and fee policy.

Council Member Goldsmith seconded.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.

Council Member Byrd made a motion to nominate H.G. McGaughey to the Historic Commission.

Council Member Pendleton made a motion to suspend the rules.

Council Member Cox seconded the motion to suspend the rules.

Council Member Pendleton seconded the motion.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.

John Crawford’s term on the Historic Commission expired on October 14, 2005.

He is considering renewing his term and will let the Board know at its next meeting.

Council Member Byrd made a motion to nominate Karen Pendleton to the Library Board.

Council Member Goldsmith seconded the motion.

There were five yes votes with Council Member Pendleton obstaining.

Council Member Byrd made a motion to nominate Kathyn Laytheon to the Library Board.

Council Member Goldsmith made a motion to suspend the rules.

Council Member Cox seconded the motion to suspend the rules.

Council Member Cox seconded the motion for nomination.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.

Council Member Byrd made a motion to reappoint Jane Clayton to the Library Board.

This motion will be carried over to the next meeting.

Committee Reports

Fire Chief Reid informed the council that two of his firemen were flying to South Dakota to check on the new fire truck.

Hopefully the truck will be delivered by the first of December.

Chief Reid asked if we could publicize that there is to no burning within the City limits.

There is a state no burn ordinance until we have substantial rainfall.

Council Member Goldsmith made a motion to pass Ordinance 05AB, which would establish the office of Public Safety Director.

Council Member Cox seconded the motion.

Council Member Pendleton made a motion to suspend the rules.

Council Member Byrd seconded.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.

Council Member Goldsmith introduced the new Director of Public Safety, Tom Smitherman.

Mr. Smitherman thanked the council for their confidence in him and assured them that there would be no change in protection offered to the city and its citizens.

City Clerk Carey Thompson read his resume.

Raymond Cardwell informed the council that there is a schedule for garbage pickup for the holidays.

Ben McCrory is publishing the schedule in the next Chamber Chatter.

Council Member Byrd made a motion to approve Ordinance 05AA which would increase the number of members on the Library Board from five to seven.

Council Member Pendleton seconded the motion.

Council Member Byrd made a motion to suspend the rules.

Council Member Goldsmith seconded the motion to suspend.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.

Council Member Cost announced that there will be a dedication of Dailey Park on Saturday November 26 at 1:30 p.m.

Council Member Byrd informed the council that the Youth Football Season was over.

The Major Orange team and the Midget Blue team both came in second place in their divisions.

Council Member Pendleton made a motion to allow the city clerk to pay for the unanticipated costs of the new Public Safety Director position.

Council Member Cost seconded the motion.

The city clerk will keep the council updated on these costs.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.

Council Member Pendleton made a motion to pay bills as presented.

Council Member Byrd seconded the motion.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.

Mayor Sharon Anderson read a note that was received from Betty Nix concerning the Senior Center.

She also read a note from Mr. & Mrs. Hicks regarding the Beautification Award that they recently won.

Council Member Pendleton made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m.

Council Member Byrd seconded the motion.

Nov. 16, 2005


Sharon Anderson, Dana Byrd, Hollie Cost, Becky Cox, and Greg Pendleton.

At 12:06 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Mayor Sharon Anderson.

The item on the agenda was the discussion of the sewer line extension and pump station for HWY119.

Council Member Goldsmith joined the meeting at 12:08 p.m.

The council members questioned city engineer Ben Carr about the project and if there were any alternatives to the cost.

Mr. Carr explained the technical issues with the sewer line and pump station.

He informed the council that there was a penalty clause of $200 per day liquidated damages should the contractor exceed the ninety day time limit, due to no fault of their own.

He informed the council that the Water and Sewer Board had been involved with the negotiations and that Manager Jimmy Wilson had attended the various meetings and had given his input.

Council Member Cox made a motion to accept the change order as presented less the generator.

Council Member Goldsmith seconded the motion.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.


Nov. 3, 2005

The regular meeting of the council of the Town of Wilton, Alabama convened at 7:00 P.M. on the 6th day of October 2005 at the Municipal Annex Building.

After prayer, the roll was called and the following answered the call,

Joe H. Fancher, Mayor, Christi D. Callahan, Carolinea Selman, Carol Wisor and Deborah Hudson

The minutes of the 6th of October 2005 were read and approved.

A resolution was read supporting the continuation of that cardiac services at Shelby Baptist Medical Center. Councilor Selman made the motion to accept the resolution, Councilor Hudson seconded.

The motion passed unanimously as follows:

AYE: Joe H. Fancher, Mayor, Christi D. Callahan, Carolinea Selman, Carol Wisor and Deborah Hudson

NAY: None

A resolution was read allowing the Town Clerk to adjust the mileage reimbursement for the use of personal vehicles on town business to an amount to equal what is allowed by IRS standards.

Councilor Hudson made the motion to accept the resolution.

Councilor Selman seconded.

The motion passed unanimously as follows:

AYE: Joe H. Fancher, Mayor, Christi D. Callahan, Carolinea Selman, Carol Wisor and Deborah Hudson

NAY: None

A resolution was read extending the agreement with the City of Montevallo for Fire Protection for the Town of Wilton.

Councilor Selman made the motion to accept the resolution.

Councilor Callahan seconded.

The motion passed unanimously as follows:

AYE: Joe H. Fancher, Mayor, Christi D. Callahan, Carolinea Selman, Carol Wisor and Deborah Hudson

NAY: None

A resolution was read hiring Casey Burnett, as utility department at will employee.

Councilor Callahan made the motion to accept the resolution, Councilor Wisor seconded.

All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously as follows:

AYE: Joe H. Fancher, Mayor, Christi D. Callahan, Carolinea Selman, Carol Wisor and Deborah Hudson

Nay: None

A resolution was read hiring Thaddeus Peoples, as utility department at will employee.

Councilor Callahan made the motion to accept the resolution, Councilor Wisor seconded.

All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously as follows:

AYE: Joe H. Fancher, Mayor, Christi D. Callahan, Carolinea Selman, Carol Wisor and Deborah Hudson

NAY: None

The council requested that the clerk check to make sure all employees have received a copy of the policy and procedures manual and have signed acknowledgments showing they have read the manual.

After council discussion it was decided that if specs could be drawn on a building for the utility yard, bids would be accepted from November 9th, 2005 through November 23rd, 2005.

After discussion it was decided that due to possible copyright infringement the Town would not use the &8220;No Jake Brake Signs&8221; that have been purchased.

There was discussion concerning the deadlines for Grants.

Mayor Fancher will speak with Mr. Tucker and report back on this.

Mayor Fancher reported that Mr. Jason Turner has given permission for PPM to test the sink hole on his property that is near our well.

The council requested that the clerk compose a written memo when there is to be communication between the council and employees.

The council asked that the clerk check Nextel obligations and also check into cost of Southern-Linc if coverage is available in the Brierfield area, and also check on the cost of walkie-talkies that would work on the Wilton radio frequency and the coverage area of those.

The council asked that all employees have copies of any and all certifications, completed classes and seminars in their personnel file.

The council asked that any employees wishing to attend classes or seminars submit those to the council ahead of time for their review.

The council discussed prioritizing work orders and the possibility of implementing a system to do this and organize the daily work flow of the utility department.

Councilor Wisor made the motion to approve and pay October’s bills, Councilor Hudson seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously as follows:

All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously as follows:

AYE: Joe H. Fancher, Mayor, Christi D. Callahan, Carolinea Selman, Carol Wisor and Deborah Hudson

NAY: None

Mayor Fancher made the motion to adjourn with Councilor Wisor seconding. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously as follows:

AYE: Joe H. Fancher, Mayor, Christi D. Callahan, Carolinea Selman, Carol Wisor and Deborah Hudson

NAY: None

The meeting was the adjourned