City Council Minutes for January 25, 200
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 24, 2006
January 3, 2006
The City Council of the City of Columbiana, Alabama met in a Regular Session in the Council Chambers of Columbiana City Hall at 6:35 PM, Tuesday, January 3, 2006.
Mayor Lowe called the meeting to order. The roll was called and the following members of the Council were found to be present: Council member Frieda Abrams, and Council member Tom Seale.
Council member Danny Kelley and Council member Ouida Mayfield were absent.
The consent agenda was approved as presented.
Council member Seale introduced and read at length Resolution 01-06-01supporting Shelby Baptist&8217;s heart program.
Council member Seale moved that all rules governing the council, which might, unless suspended, prevent the passage and adoption of said resolution at this meeting, be and the same are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the said resolution to be finally passed and adopted at this meeting.
Council member Abrams seconded the motion.
The Mayor called for a voice vote.
The results were as follows:
Yea: Council member Frieda Abrams; Council member Tim Billingsley; Council member Tom Seale; Mayor Allan Lowe
Nay: None
Mayor Lowe declared the motion adopted by unanimous vote of the members present.
Council member Tom Seale moved that the said resolution, 01-06-01 Support of Shelby Baptist&8217;s heart program, be finally passed and adopted as introduced.
Council member Abrams seconded the motion.
Mayor Lowe put the question of final passage and the adoption of said resolution to vote of the council and on call of the roll the results were as follows:
Yea: Council member Frieda Abrams; Council member Tim Billingsley; Council member Tom Seale; Mayor Allan Lowe
Nay: None
Mayor Lowe announced the result of the vote, and declared the resolution passed.
Council member Billingsley moved to approve the addition of the firefighters to the Employee Assistance Program.
Council member Seale seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.
Brandon Tew was recognized as firefighter of the year and was presented the award by Fire Chief, Johnny Howard, Jr. and Assistant Chief, Jerry Lamb.
Mayor Lowe set a Council Work Session for Tuesday, January 10, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.
A Public Safety Committee meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, January 10, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
Both meetings are to be held at City Hall in the Conference Room.
There being no other business, Council member Abrams moved to adjourn. Council member Billingsley seconded the motion.
Mayor Lowe adjourned the meeting at 7:00 P.M.
January 3, 2006
The regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Westover, Alabama is held in the Town of Westover, Town Hall in Westover, Alabama at 7:00 p.m. on January 3, 2006, at the regular place for such regular sessions.
Upon roll call, the Mayor declares a Quorum present and the regular session open for transaction of business.
In attendance are:
Councilmembers Ed Bahr, Jeanne Champion Fisch, Annette Tyler, and Mayor Mark McLaughlin
Larry Riggins, Susan Strickland
Councilmember Tyler with Mayor McLaughlin leading the Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor McLaughlin reads the council&8217;s disclaimer:
The Town Council of Westover thanks you for attending tonight&8217;s meeting and would like to remind everyone the following:
Anyone desiring to be on the agenda will notify the Mayor no later than ten business days prior to the following scheduled meeting.
All guests are limited to three minutes unless extended by a majority of the Council.
All guest speakers will speak only to the subject scheduled on the agenda.
Any questions or clarifications will be addressed to the Mayor and the ruling of the Mayor will be final.
Again, thank you for attending and your understanding, patience and cooperation.
We look forward to a productive meeting.
The Mayor announces the following:
Work is continuing on the park and the Park Committee will be looking at plans in the 1st Qtr. of 2006.
Remember the library in town and get your library card.
Use the website to obtain information about events.
Use voicemail with option #3 to obtain information about upcoming meetings and announcements.
Alagasco is installing a yellow gas line in town.
There is a large interest in annexations.
The Public Safety Committee has information from FEMA concerning flood plains.
Public Safety Committee has information from Shelby County EMA concerning sirens and grants and they are also working on the COPS Program. The Westover Christmas Parade was Saturday, December 10, 2005 at 10 a.m. and the mayor reads a list of entrants.
Also, there are inquiries about next year&8217;s parade.
The Mayor presents the minutes from the December 6, 2005, regular meeting.
Councilmember Bahr moves to accept minutes as presented, and Councilmember Tyler seconds motion.
No discussion .The vote is taken and Mayor McLaughlin declares motion passing with unanimous vote.
The vote is as follows:
Bahr, Champion Fisch, Tyler, and McLaughlin
Riggins, Strickland
FINANCE REPORT – Clerk Jones-None at this meeting
Reports of Standing Committees
ANNEXATION AND DEVELOPMENT – Councilmember Riggins-No report tonight.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Councilmember Strickland-No report tonight.
EDUCATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS – Councilmember Tyler- Education- There will be classes held at the Town Hall and the University of North Alabama will be leading the classes.
The Zoning Board of Adjustments and the Planning Commission members will be attending.
Public Relations- Seniors programs will be January 9th at 10a.m.
Library- will be changing hours to daytime hours only on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
SUBDIVISION AND ZONING – Councilmember Champion Fisch-Chelsea Square has 2 houses being built.
Carden Crest has 4 houses being built.
The Nelson Subdivision has been updated with the Shelby County Development Services and Willow Oaks is updating their information.
2 building permit requests submitted last week.
PUBLIC WORKS – Councilmember Bahr-Weldon Welding is expected to begin the front entrance railing project this week with completion in five or six weeks.
Chair Roberta Stamp presents report from last meeting.
The Board is looking forward to the classes.
Old Business:
New Business:
Councilmember Bahr moves to accept an engineering agreement for services from Paragon Engineering for municipal work.
A second is given by Councilmember Champion Fisch.
Recommendation presented from Planning Commission and the town&8217;s lawyer.
There is no retainer and payment will be calculated on services rendered.
This motion to lay over to next meeting for consideration.
Councilmember Champion Fisch moves to grant $1000.00 to Owens House in Columbiana, Alabama for services provided to families in Shelby County.
This information researched and recommended by Councilmember Tyler.
Councilmember Champion Fisch moves to suspend the rules of order so this can be considered at this meeting.
Councilmember Tyler seconds motion.
After a roll call vote, the mayor announces the motion to suspend the rules passing with a unanimous decision. The vote is as follows:
Bahr, Champion Fisch, Tyler, and Mayor McLaughlin
Riggins, Strickland
Being no further discussion the mayor asks for a roll call vote on the motion. . The vote is as follows:
Bahr, Champion Fisch, Tyler, and Mayor McLaughlin
Riggins, Strickland
After the vote the mayor declares the motion passing with unanimous vote.
Recommendation from Education Committee to pay cost of continued certification for council members with only one class being necessary.
Councilmember Tyler moves and second by Councilmember Champion Fisch.
Councilmember Tyler states that one class is necessary and at this time the location of the class is not known.
Being no further discussion, the mayor puts the motion to vote.
A voice vote is taken and after the vote, the mayor declares motion passing with unanimous vote.
Recommendation by Education Committee concerning Councilmember Riggins and Councilmember Strickland to attend classes in the month of January to become Certified Alabama Planning and Zoning Officials.
Motion by Councilmember Champion Fisch and second by Councilmember Bahr.
Being no discussion, the mayor puts the motion to vote.
A voice vote is taken and after the vote, the mayor declares motion passing with unanimous vote.
At this time, Clerk Jones reads at length the proposal from Paragon Engineering, Inc. to provide services to Westover, Alabama.
Mayor McLaughlin presents the following ordinance for annexation of property into the municipal limits of Westover, Alabama.
Ordinance 2005-12-20-080 for parcel # 08-5-21-0-001-027.000 is read into the minutes by clerk Jones.
Being no discussion the mayor asks for a roll call vote.
After a roll call vote, the mayor announces the legislation passing with a unanimous decision. The vote is as follows:
Bahr, Champion Fisch, Tyler, and Mayor McLaughlin
Riggins, Strickland
Being no comments, additional new business or committee reports, Councilmember Bahr moves to adjourn and second is by Councilmember Champion Fisch.
Motion to adjourn carries by unanimous vote of members.
After vote is taken, Mayor McLaughlin announces that The Council stands adjourned.