Council actions for March 8, 2006

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 7, 2006


February 13, 2006

The minutes of the January 23, 2006 Council Meeting were approved as written and mailed.

Opportunities for the Citizens to Speak to the Council

Mayor Anderson advised that as was the policy the public is given the opportunity to address the Mayor and Council at the beginning of each Council Agenda.

The speaker has three minutes to make comments and the comments should be different from the previous speakers.

Bill Reid advised that he is not a resident of the City but he has served for 35 year on the Montevallo Volunteer Fire Department.

He advised that he is appalled by the rude and disrespectful behavior directed at the Mayor during recent Council Meetings.

Mr. Reid then expressed offense taken by the fire department by an email authored by Council Member Pendleton which proposes that the Fire Department could be stealing gas for personal use.

Mr. Pendleton explained that the email was merely a hypothetical suggestion and not an actual accusation and he apologized for any offense taken.

Ben McCrory of the Chamber of Commerce announced that there would be an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 at City Hall from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Ray Mayfield advised that he feels that citizens should be allowed to speak to the City Council at Council Meetings.

New Business

The University Women&8217;s Soccer Coach did not appear to address the Council.

The Montevallo High School Future Farmers of America Vice President Justin Posey, Secretary Kayla Pickett and Sentinel Sam Ginwright invited everyone to attend the Annual Farm Days Event at Montevallo High School on February 21, 2006.

Council Member Byrd made a motion to approve a proclamation declaring February 18-25, 2006 National FFA Week in Montevallo.

Council Member Pendleton seconded.

All Ayes. Motion Passed.

James Jones of Architectural Amenities explained the benefits of the City investing in wireless internet equipment in the City of Montevallo.

The system would allow citizens, libraries, schools and businesses to link to the wireless connection.

The item was carried over for discussion on the next meeting agenda.

Council Member Byrd made a motion to accept Ordinance 05M a petition to annex property owned by Jean Owens.

Council Member Cox seconded.

Council Member Pendleton made a motion to suspend the rules. Council Member Cost seconded.

The Mayor called the vote on the motion to suspend the rules.

All Ayes. Motion Passed.

Mayor Anderson called the vote on the motion to accept Ordinance 05M a petition to annex property owned by Jean Owens.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.

The Mayor and Council had a discussion concerning the interim prior to adoption of a plan.

Mayor Anderson made a recommendation that the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission meet to explore how decisions concerning growth should be handled prior to the completion of the plan.

Council Member Cost expressed her desire to move forward with amendments to the land disturbance regulations.

Council Member Pendleton advised that the Council already passed a Resolution adopting the IRS mileage reimbursement rate and so the accounting department simply needs to be notified when the IRS rate changes.

Council Member Cox made a motion to accept Ordinance 06C amending Montevallo Zoning to require 1100 square feet in housing.

Council Member Cost seconded.

Council Member Pendleton advised that someone could apply for a variance if their plan for a house was fewer than 1100 square feet.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.

Mayor Anderson advised that she received a letter from the Alabama Community of Excellence (ACE) Program asking that the City of Montevallo apply for the program.

A speaker from the ACE Program will be at the February 15, 2006 Chamber of Commerce Meeting.

Council Member Byrd made a motion authorizing the City to fill out the application which would be reviewed and considered for approval at the February 27, 2006 Council Meeting.

Council Member Pendleton seconded.

All Ayes.

Motion Passed.

Sergeant Mark Allred advised that an amended version of the police pay scale would be presented to the Finance Committee and then brought to the City Council.

Ordinance 06E amending the Burn Permit Ordinance was introduced to the City Council.

The Mayor and Council recommended that there be a few changes made in Ordinance 06E and that the corrected Ordinance is presented at the next Council Meeting.

Old Business

Council Member Cost advised that the Auburn archeology study of the hiking trail was forwarded to the Historic Commission for their approval.

Raymond Cardwell will be meeting with the Department of Transportation concerning how the trail will cross under the Highway 119 Bridge.

Steve Sears reported that he University of Montevallo Board of Trustees amended and approved the agreement sent to them requesting authorization to cross University Property with the Hiking Trail.

The amendment would require that the hiking trail be limited to daytime hiking only.

Steve Sears advised that he will forward this amended version to ADECA for final approval.

Council Member Goldsmith recommended that the vehicle use policy be carried over.

Council Member Cost advised that the trial over the proposed quarry has been delayed until May.

Sgt. Allred reported that the ad hoc committee assigned to search for a candidate for Police Chief will meet Thursday and will begin interviews next week.

Catherine Legg advised that the ad hoc committee assigned to review the sign ordinances met last week and will have a report at the next Council Meeting.

Ben McCrory reported that the Historic Commission is waiting for a response from a potential candidate.

Mayor Anderson advised that eh Planning and Zoning Commission has not made any recommendations at this time.

Committee Reports

Mayor Anderson recognized and thanked the many volunteer firemen in attendance for all of there service to the City of Montevallo.

The City Council and public showed their support with applause.

Mike Harmon advised that the Water Board is writing a grant to EMA requesting 3 generators; one for a sewer station and one for each fire station as well as a storm siren.

Fire Chief Reid reported that his department took 81 calls in January.

The new fire truck does not meet the specifications.

It was built too tall to fit into the Fire Station.

Chief Reid submitted an email from Crimson Fire agreeing to pay for renovations to Fire Station #1 to accommodate the truck.

The Montevallo Fire Department responded to 2 of the Bibb County church fires and the Fire Inspector has been working with Federal ATF agents in their investigation of the fires.

Chief Reid recognized Mike William a member of Montevallo Fire and Rescue. Mr. Williams 471 of 920 calls in 2005.

Sgt. Allred reported that a condition offer has been made to 1 applicant for 1 of the available officer positions.

Raymond Cardwell reported that he has not received a response from the County concerning a paving schedule.

Council Member Cox recognized Council Member Byrd, Arbor and Beautification Chairperson Herschel Hale, and Raymond Cardwell for the plantings at the City Shop. Mayor Anderson pointed out that the Street side Beautification Project at the City Shop was made possible by a grant from CAWACO.

Council Member Cox noted that the animal control officers had carried 70 stray dogs, 5 stray puppies and 10 stray cats to the Shelby County Humane Society and made a point that the $10 Animal Licenses are up for renewal in January.

Mayor Anderson asked Council Member Cox to read a letter from Ann Cheney commending the Streets, Sanitation and Leaf and Limb employees for their good work.

Richard Anderson gave a brief report on the positive progress at the new library.

Mayor Anderson noted that she had appointed a committee to work on a landscape plan for the new library.

Council Member Byrd reported that the Montevallo schools are selling the fundraiser coupon books.

Council Member Byrd advised that Arbor Day is Saturday, February 25, 2006 at the Orr Park Building.

There will be door prizes, a tour of Tinglewood and new this year a free tour of the Aldrich Coal Mine Museum.

Council Member Cost reported that he Soup and Bingo was a success.

The Park Committee met to discuss facility use policies.

A Sub Committee of the Park Board is working on a plan to complete Stephens Park.

Council Member Cost commended Buddy Freeman and Terry Arnold on their efforts put forth to find funding, negotiate ROW and construct the hiking trail.

March 11 is the opening of the Baseball season.

City Clerk Carey Thompson advised that he has submitted his finance report.

Council Member Pendleton advised that the auditors have requested a meeting with the Finance Committee to discuss the budget.

The auditor anticipates finishing the 2004 audit Friday.

Council Member Pendleton made a motion to pay bills as presented.

Council Member Goldsmith seconded.

The Mayor called for the vote.

Council Member Byrd- Abstained; Council Member Cost- Aye; Council Member Cox- Aye; Council Member Goldsmith- Aye; Council Member Pendleton- Aye; Motion Passed.

City Attorney Steve Sears asked the Council to review the draft of an agreement between the City and the Water and Sewer Board transferring interests from the City to the Water and Sewer Board.

At 8:40 p.m. the Council agreed to recess until 7 p.m. February 24, 2006 at City Hall.

February 14, 2006

Present were Greg Pendleton, Hollie Cost, Dana Byrd, Sharon Anderson, Becky Cox, and Willie Goldsmith.

Mayor Sharon Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

The purpose of the continuation is to discuss the proposed contract between the City and the Water & Sewer Board.

Steve Sears read and discussed the proposed contract, copy attached.

The Water & Sewer Board agrees to pay the remaining payment of approximately $70,000 to Nichols Construction for the completion of the sewer extension from St. Thomas Church to Highway 24.

The current contract with D&A Utility Company would be transferred to the Water & Sewer Board.

The Water & Sewer Board would administer and oversee the project according to the terms of the contract.

Water & Sewer Board Claud Elledge informed the council that this agreement was a reinvestment for the Water & Sewer Board.

Council Member Byrd made a motion that the indenture be accepted with the following changes:

– On item number 3, change the wording to read &8220;lines N and W of Moore&8217;s Crossroads.&8221;

– On item number 4, clarify the &8220;Lusco Property.&8221;

Steve Sears is to add an attachment containing the legal description of the property.

– On item number 5, add the word &8220;engineering&8221; after the word administration.

-u On item number 8, add the letter &8220;s&8221; to the word subdivisions.

Council Member Goldsmith seconded the motion.

All Ayes Motion Passed.

Council Member Byrd made a motion to adjourn.

Council Member Goldsmith seconded.


February 2, 2006

The regular meeting of the council of the Town of Wilton, Alabama convened at 7:20

P.M. on the 2nd day of February 2006 at the Municipal Annex Building.

After prayer, the roll was called and the following answered the call, Joe H. Fancher, Mayor, Present; Carolinea Selman, Present; Christi D. Callahan, Absen; Carol Wisor, Present; Deborah Hudson, Present

The minutes of the 5th of January were read and approved.

Mrs. Nellie Easterwood addressed the council and asked that the council reconsider cutting down the tree next to her property at the corner of Selma Street and County Road 8.

After much discussion Councilor Selman made the motion to rescind the motion from the previous meeting to cut the tree.

Councilor Hudson seconded and the motion to rescind was passed unanimously as follows:

Joe H. Fancher, Mayor – Aye; Carolinea Selman-Aye; Carol Wisor-Aye; Deborah Hudson-Aye

At that time councilor Selman made the motion to take bids and have the tree trimmed, Councilor Wisor seconded, that motion also passed unanimously as follows:

Joe H. Fancher, Mayor – Aye; Carolinea Selman-Aye; Carol Wisor-Aye; Deborah Hudson-Aye

Mayor Fancher brought before the council a Mutual Aid agreement to be entered into with the Shelby County Sheriff&8217;s office as well as other municipalities within Shelby County.

Councilor Selman made the motion to enter into the agreement as written.

Councilor Wisor seconded.

The motion passed unanimously as follows:

Joe H. Fancher, Mayor – Aye; Carolinea Selman-Aye; Carol Wisor-Aye; Deborah Hudson-Aye

The mayor brought up the fact that we needed to purchase a flag and flag pole for the Town Hall to replace the one that was blown down.

Councilor Selman made the motion to purchase the flags and pole from Dixie Decorations.

Councilor Wisor seconded and the motion passed as follows:

Joe H. Fancher, Mayor – Aye; Carolinea Selman-Aye; Carol Wisor-Aye; Deborah Hudson-Aye

The mayor reported that Mr. Tucker will be up to discuss the grant application once he has attended the state grant application workshop in February.

Councilor Wisor made the motion to pay January bills.

Councilor Hudson seconded and the motion passed unanimously as follows:

Joe H. Fancher, Mayor – Aye; Carolinea Selman-Aye; Carol Wisor-Aye; Deborah Hudson-Aye

Councilor Selman made the motion to adjourn, Councilor Wisor seconded, the motion passed unanimously as follows:

Joe H. Fancher, Mayor – Aye; Carolinea Selman-Aye; Carol Wisor-Aye; Deborah Hudson-Aye

Meeting was adjourned.


February 20, 2006

The Council of the City of Helena met in a regular scheduled meeting on Monday night, February 20, 2006 in the Helena Municipal Building at 7:00 P.M., regular place and time for holding said meetings.

Mayor Penhale called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Mike Lenz led prayer.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Den 2 and 7 Cub Scout Pack 532 – Helena United Methodist Church.

Roll Call

Present: Charles W. Penhale, Mayor

Members: Kathrine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre, Colleen Lenz_and Jerry Pate

Absent: None

A quorum was declared present and the meeting opened for business.

Tom Lefebvre made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the February 6, 2006 meeting and Colleen Lenz seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre, Colleen Lenz, and Jerry Pate_



Motion carried.

Jerry Pate made the motion to accept and pay the bills and Tom Lefebvre seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre, Colleen Lenz, and Jerry Pate_



Motion carried.

Shane Dreffs – 306 Quail Ridge Court, Home Occupation License – &8220;Renaissance Custom Homes LLC&8221;

Tom Lefebvre informed Mr. Dreffs that he cannot have any construction materials stored around the house. There should be no advertisements or any other visible signs.

There being no further comments and/or questions, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion.

Tom Lefebvre made a motion to approve the home occupation license for &8220;Renaissance Custom Homes&8221; and Jerry Pate seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre, Colleen Lenz, and Jerry Pate_



Motion carried.

Brian Romanowski – 6019 Woodvale Court, Home Occupation License –

this is mainly for business over phone and computer.

Jerry Pate stated that there is to be no visible signs of a business, no advertisements, no extra traffic, etc. with Katherine Ennis reiterated this statement.

There being no further comments and/or questions, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion.

Katherine Ennis made the motion to approve the home occupation license for Brian Romanowski and Jerry Pate seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Tom Lefebvre, Colleen Lenz, and Jerry Pate_



Motion carried.

Express Oil Change

5046 Hwy 17 – Site Plan Approval

With stipulations from Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on January 26, 2006.

Represented by Jeff Harper and Terrell Armstrong with LBYD

There being no further comments and/or questions, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion.

Tom Lefebvre made a motion to approve the site plan for Express Oil Change with the restriction that nothing be done to this site until we get approval and if the plan is changed you must come back before the Council and Jerry Pate seconded the motion and the following votes were cast:

AYE: Tom Lefebvre, Colleen Lenz, Jerry Pate_NAY:

Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche

Motion carried.

There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned at 7:16 P.M.


February 6, 2006

Council President Mike Dickens called the meeting to order.

Robert Sullivan led the invocation.

Mike Dickens asked that the record show all members of the council present except Willard Payne.

Rosemary Metcalf moved to waive the oral reading of the January 16, 2006 minutes and approve as presented.

Robert Sullivan seconded the motion.

Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

During old business, a public hearing was held to consider Ordinance No. 135-170 changing the present zoning of B-2 General Business to M-1 Light Industrial District.

The property location is 3114 Cummins Street, and the applicants were Millard R. Cox and Betty S. Cox.

Moore Handley spoke for the rezoning, stating they have an option to purchase the property and wanted it to be zoned M-1 as their current property is zoned.

Karyl Rice moved to approve the rezoning as presented, and Robert Sullivan seconded the motion.

Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

During new business, Ordinance No. 199-4 was introduced amending the Code of Ordinances to correct a printing error in Chapter 14, Article II, Section 14-24(b)(3), speed limit schedules.

Karyl Rice moved to suspend the rules to allow immediate consideration of Ordinance No. 199-4.

Rosemary Metcalf seconded the motion, and Mike Dickens called for a roll call vote.

The clerk recorded the following votes.

Aye: Mike Dickens, Rosemary Metcalf, Karyl Rice, Bob Sullivan

Nay: None

Mike Dickens declared the rules suspended for immediate consideration of Ordinance 199-4.

Thereupon Karyl Rice moved to approve Ordinance No. 199-4 as presented.

Rosemary Metcalf seconded the motion.

Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

Ordinance No. 422 was introduced annexing Jesse Edward Jowers, Jr. and Hilda Jowers property.

The property is located east of SC11 at SC52.

It borders SC332 on one side.

Rosemary Metcalf moved to suspend the rules to allow immediate consideration of Ordinance No. 422.

Karyl Rice seconded the motion, and Mike Dickens called for a roll call vote.

The clerk recorded the following votes.

Aye: Mike Dickens, Rosemary Metcalf, Karyl Rice, Bob Sullivan

Nay: None

Mike Dickens declared the rules suspended for immediate consideration of Ordinance 422.

Thereupon Karyl Rice moved to approve Ordinance No. 422 as presented.

Rosemary Metcalf seconded the motion.

Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

A resolution was introduced approving expenditures of $1,862,708.50 for costs associated with the construction of the public safety building.

Rosemary Metcalf moved to approve the resolution as presented.

Robert Sullivan seconded the motion.

Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

A resolution was introduced approving AL DOT plans and authorizing the state to proceed with Project No. 99-303-595-119-616 planing, loop detectors, resurfacing, and permanent traffic stripe along SR119 from East of SR3 (US31) in Pelham to Cahaba River Road.

Rosemary Metcalf moved to approve the resolution as presented, and Karyl Rice seconded the motion.

Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

A resolution was presented adopting a membership policy at Ballantrae and the Pelham Racquet Club for retired employees and elected officials.

Karyl Rice moved to approve the resolution as presented, and Rosemary Metcalf seconded the motion.

Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

A resolution was introduced adopting 2006 membership rules for Ballantrae Golf Club.

Karyl Rice moved to approve the resolution as presented, and Rosemary Metcalf seconded the motion.

Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

A resolution was introduced accepting a bid of $33,520 from NAFECO for breathing apparatus for the Pelham Fire Department.

Robert Sullivan moved to approve the resolution as presented, and Karyl Rice seconded the motion.

Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously.

A resolution was presented accepting and approving the dedication of Legacy Park subdivision.

Rosemary Metcalf moved to approve the resolution as presented, and Karyl Rice seconded the motion.

Mike Dickens asked for a vote on the motion to approve; on voice vote the motion passed unanimously