Let it Grow: Container accents for your garden

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Container gardening is great for indoors, as well as, decks, porches and patios.

Have you ever thought of adding containers to your natural areas and outdoor bedding plant areas?

Containers for plants are available in so many shapes sizes and colors, you can use them as decorating elements for a lot of different, changeable designs for your garden.

Your garden beds don&8217;t have to only have plants in them.

Use garden art and containers to add texture and character to your beds.

A series of decorative planters of different heights can make the difference between a yaupons and petunias and a work of art.

Use the spill-over method with your planters.

Plant the containers with something for height, such as a rosemary or other tall perennial, then add a plant to cover the soil in the planter. I like to use plants that cascade.

These may include, but are not limited to, thymes, lysamachias, sedums and ivies.

The spill-over effect comes from planting the same plants as in the container into the ground around the containers.

This makes the plants look like they seeded themselves or just spilled over onto the planting bed and gives the planting a sense of age.

For your containers, use the ones that have enough room for the plants as they mature.

If you use a rosemary as a tall element, you will want a deeper container for root growth.

If you want to plant bowls or low profile containers, you might want to consider the hardy stonecrop sedums and other perennials with a shallow root system.

Hens and chicks (Sempervivums) also make good low profile container plants.

Make a statement in your garden this year. Put your personality on display for all to see