Workman at odds with Alabaster council

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Alabaster City Councilman Jerry Workman found himself at odds with the rest of his fellow councilmembers at Monday night&8217;s city meeting.

During the pre-council session, Workman voiced his intention to question the mayor during his time before the city council.

Fellow councilmembers told Workman, however, that he would be out of order.

Councilmember Mike Sherwood strongly expressed his displeasure with Workman.

When Workman asked if he was being threatened, Sherwood warned him not to let things get &8220;out of hand.&8221;

Workman told Frings, &8220;I will ask the questions. If you don&8217;t want to answer, then that&8217;s up to you.&8221;

Workman used his time before the council to question the mayor over the use of the city attorney to draft a resolution on diversity.

He had requested the diversity resolution to express the council&8217;s determination to have more minority representation on council-appointed boards.

Council President Rick Walters told Workman, however, &8220;I act as a clearing house for anything we ask the attorney to do.&8221;

Frings said only he, as mayor, has the authority to use the city attorney from the administrative side.

Frings explained the proper procedure would have been to present the resolution request to the council president to have it placed on the agenda.

During pre-council, Frings explained that had a city employee expended funds at Workman&8217;s direction, it would have been illegal. Workman said later he would like to draft a resolution-diversity statement and bring it back to the council for consideration.

Councilmember Jim McClain said Workman should bring such matters before the council during work sessions.

Workman also objected regarding the council minutes from the March 20 meeting, expressing that he felt his comments from that meeting should have been included.