Gray Power: How to deal with workforce changes

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 25, 2006

As we get older our chances of change in the workforce will begin to play in our job security. We must be ready to make adjustments in employment by thinking and planning for a possibility interruption in our job. New technology, economy, buying habits, and many other factors influence the security of our job.

No matter what kind of job you have, you can sometimes increase your chance of keeping your job in tough times. At the very least, three actions can help you recognize your own accomplishments and feel better about your work. They could even help you get a promotion. And they might keep you out of the layoff pool.

Take charge of your job performance evaluations. Be proactive.

Find out what your employer needs done and learn the skills to do it.

Follow the standard rules about work behavior. Check yourself on these.

Your Performance Evaluations

Your employer may already have a formal system of annual job reviews. If so, make that system work for you. If there is no formal system in place, schedule annual or quarterly meetings with your supervisor to go over what you&8217;ve accomplished.

During the year:

Set a limited number of major goals for the year. Make sure they are doable. Agree with your supervisor about how you will show your success.

Take time to jot down notes about what you&8217;re accomplishing. Keep these all in one place.

For every result you achieve, keep some sort of evidence.

Save compliments, praise, and appreciation you receive from others. Take quick notes on verbal compliments. File appreciative emails. Ask satisfied colleagues to write a formal note about your work.

For your performance review:

Organize your notes to show how you&8217;ve accomplished annual goals. Add notes about other goals added during the year.

Use your review to showcase your skills and accomplishments. Tie in your achievements to your unit&8217;s or employer&8217;s highest priorities.

Ensure that your supervisor looks back over the whole year, instead of just recent situations or problems.

Demonstrate your interest in your work and your desire to do or learn more. If something needs improving, be the first to mention it. Sketch out a plan to correct any problems. List what new skills you will learn next