Montevallo votes for county to complete comprehensive plan

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Montevallo City Council unanimously voted Tuesday to allow Shelby County to help the city complete its comprehensive plan but chose not to outsource additional city services.

The decision came after initial opposition by the Montevallo Chamber of Commerce and the mayor&8217;s economic development committee. The two groups were against subcontracting Shelby County&8217;s help on help on various planning and development issues, like subdivision review and construction inspection.

Chamber President Ben McCrory said that his organization was not opposed to representatives of the Shelby County Department of Development Services helping with the city&8217;s plan. He said what business leaders had issues with was the outsourcing of the additional services offered by the county.

However, once Montevallo&8217;s zoning board deferred action on outsourcing any additional responsibilities, McCrory said his organization had not problems with the plan.

&8220;As it turns out, we were actually pleased that the zoning board and city council chose the county to do the comprehensive plan while not outsourcing any other municipal government responsibilities,&8221; said McCrory.

Economic Development Committee Chairman Ken Jones recommended that the city &8220;recruit our own talent to perform the duties of our municipal government&8221; in a letter to Mayor Sharon Anderson.

City council members had considered contracting with the county because of the money saved versus hiring planners, zoning administrators and building inspectors.