Church Focus: January brings new Bible studies

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christ Church United Methodist church offers a wide variety of discipleship and spiritual growth opportunities for believers of all ages.

Young adults ages 18-25 will be traveling to Passion &8217;07 in Atlanta on Jan. 1-4. They will join other college age adults from around the country to grow in their faith.

Bible studies abound in the New Year, with a special church-wide prayers emphasis.

Wednesday night Bible study Pastor Will Garrett will focus on passages in James 5, First Peter 5 and Second Peter 1 from Jan. 1-Feb. 14 during &8220;Disciples of Jesus – People of Prayer.&8221;

Teaching will be from 6-7 p.m. and small group discussion is from 7-8 p.m.

Reach small groups will have the same emphasis, and meet at various homes of church members around the community.

Other new Bible studies are &8220;First Corinthians&8221; led by Steve Dearwent, &8220;Living Prayer&8221; led by Laura Gossett, &8220;Matthew-Journey Through The Bible&8221; led by Cindy Bowman, &8220;Resolutions-Nutrition/Weight Loss Program&8221; led by Shirley Nigri and Kim McLeod,

&8220;Beginnings and Basics&8221; led by Joe and Carole Kerr, and &8220;The Vision of His Glory&8221; led by Margie Slaughter.

The single adults will begin a new study on the book of Genesis on Sunday, Jan. 7 at 9:40 a.m. in the Fireside Room. The will also resume Sunday Lunch Bunch in January.

Worship schedule:

Traditional worship &045; 8:30 a.m.

Sunday school &045; 9:40 a.m.

Contemporary spirit worship &045;

10:45 a.m.

Contact information:

5191 Caldwell Mill Road

Birmingham, AL 35244

Phone &045; 991-5065

Web &045; www.christchurchunited
