Alabaster May 19, 2008 A regular meeting
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 10, 2008
May 19, 2008
A regular meeting of the Alabaster City Council was held in the Municipal Annex on Monday, May 19, 2008, at 7:00 P.M., and there were present at said meeting Councilpersons: Present: Jim McClain, Mike Sherwood, Tommy Ryals, Angela Moseley, Bob Hicks, Jerry Workman and Rick Walters. Absent: None.
The meeting was opened with prayer led by Reverend Travis Wilson with Christ Garden United Methodist Church followed with the Pledge of Allegiance. After an abbreviated reading of the minutes, Council Member McClain made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 5, 2008 meeting. Council Member Workman seconded the motion. Voting – Ayes: All Ayes. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Mayor Frings stated our Parks and Recreation Department has an opportunity to receive a CDBG Grant from ADECA in the amount of $250,000.00 with the City having a match of $200,000.00. Mayor Frings said he would like the project of a Senior Citizens Center to be built with these proceeds. The first step in this process is for the Mayor to write a letter to ADECA stating our intentions of completing this process. Mayor Frings said the Council would also need to hold a public hearing and consider a Resolution during the month of June to continue the application process. Mayor Frings said there could be potential funding available for this project of approximately $800,000.00 with the City only being out $200,000.00 for their part. Mayor Frings said the City has piggybacked their paving bid this year on with the County bid in an attempt to save money and possibly do more paving than we would have been able to by bidding out on our own. Mark Harris has advised that milling for some of the projects may begin this week with actual paving starting after Memorial week. Mayor Frings stated that Weatherly Club Drive is on the list and should be started by the second week in June. Mayor Frings introduced Gloria Wilson and Larry Stewart as members of our Beautification Board. They presented the Mayor with a leaf symbol to add to the Tree City USA plaque and a lapel pin and hat, which he can be proud of.
Mayor Frings thanked Adam Moseley for his work on starting the Tree City project when he served on the City Council.
Council Member Workman gave the Library Report for the month of April.
There was no old business.
1. STREET LIGHT REQUEST. Council Member Sherwood made a motion to approve one street light request from Mark Harris, Public Works Director, for the intersection of Runny Meade and Victoria Station. Council Member McClain seconded. Voting – Ayes: All Ayes. Nays: None. Motion carried.
2. SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON A DE-ANNEXATION OF 20 +/- ACRES OFF HIGHWAY 119. Council Member Ryals made a motion to set a public hearing on June 2, 2008 on a request to de-annex 20 +/- acres adjacent to Cheney Lime Plant. Council Member Sherwood seconded. Voting – Ayes: All Ayes. Nays: None. Motion carried.
3. ANNOUNCE COUNCIL WORK SESSION. Council President Walters advised a council work session would be held on Thursday, June 12, 2008 at 6:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at the City Services Building, 10052 Highway 119.
After brief council and audience comments, Council Member McClain made a motion to adjourn with Council Member Sherwood seconding the motion. All were in favor and said meeting was adjourned at 7:14 P.M.
Feb. 4, 2008
I. Call To Order: Mayor Niven @ 7:10 p.m. Invocation Donald King _ Pledge of Allegiance: Jeffrey Denton.
II. Roll Call Present: S. Earl Niven, Juanita J. Champion ,
Jeffrey M. Denton,
James V. Ferguson, Donald E. King, Tony Picklesimer.
III. Approval of Minutes
_ January 15, 2008- regular meeting -A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made by Donald King and seconded by James Ferguson. A voice vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.”
IV. Committee Reports:
_ Ordinance Study Committee: Becky C. Landers; the committee has been working on a “Nuisance Ordinance” and we will introduce it at the next council meeting. _ Parks and Recreation Committee: Mayor Earl Niven; we will award the bid for the lighting at the Hwy 39 Sports complex tonight. We will begin construction soon on the concession stand and utility building. _ Annexation Committee: Tony Picklesimer; No report. _ Senior Citizen/Neighborhood Committee: James V. Ferguson; No report. _ Police and Fire Committee: Donald E. King; The C.O.P. program continues to do well. Chief Shirley presented the 2007 Fire & Rescue report to the Mayor and Council. _ Environmental/Beautification Committee: Juanita J. Champion; the beautification committee will be working with the Tree Commission for Arbor Day. March 29th will be the grand opening for the softball park and we will place signs reminding everyone to keep Chelsea, Clean & Green. _ Streets and Roads Committee: Jeffrey M. Denton; A sinkhole on Conroy Lane in the Forest Parks sub-division has been repaired. Several incident reports requesting a guardrail on Hwy 36 were sent to the County and Randy Cole and resulted in the placement of the guardrail.
V. Mayor’s Report:
Appointment of new Mayor Pro-Tem- A motion to appoint Councilmember Juanita Champion as the new Mayor Pro-Tem was made by Donald King and seconded by Jeffrey Denton. A voice vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes,” with the exception of one abstention by Juanita Champion.
VI. Council Business:
_ The Introduction of Proposed Ordinance #X-08-02-04-417 for an ordinance establishing the salaries for the Mayor and Council for the 2008-2012 terms was announced by Mayor Niven. A motion was made by James Ferguson and seconded by Jeffrey Denton to accept the introduction of this ordinance. A voice vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.”
_ Proposed Resolution 2008-02-04-293 was presented by Mayor Niven for a resolution to accept the lowest bid of $318,316.00 from Louana Construction Company for the lighting and electrical improvements to the Hwy 39 Athletic Complex Ball Fields. A motion to approve this resolution was made by Juanita Champion and seconded by Tony Picklesimer. A voice vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.” Proposed Resolution 2008-02-04-294 was also presented by Mayor Niven for a resolution to assume the responsibility for the streets located in the Forest Lakes Sub- division. A motion was made by Jeffrey Denton and seconded by Juanita Champion that we accept these streets as recommended by our City Engineer, Frank Spencer. A voice vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.”
VII. Community Forum:
VIII. Adjournment:
_ There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Donald King and seconded by James Ferguson.
A voice vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.” Time: 7:33 p.m.
February 19, 2008
I. Call To Order: Mayor Niven @ 7:06 P.M. _ Invocation: Mayor Niven _ Pledge of Allegiance: Jeffrey Denton.
II. Roll Call Present: S. Earl Niven, Juanita J. Champion, Jeffrey M. Denton, Donald E. King, Tony Picklesimer. Absent: James V. Ferguson.
III. Approval of Minutes
_ February 4, 2008- regular meeting -A motion to approve the minutes as written was made by Donald King and seconded by Tony Picklesimer. A voice vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.”
IV. Committee Reports:
_ Ordinance Study Committee: Becky C. Landers; we are introducing a nuisance
abatement ordinance tonight. _ Parks and Recreation Committee: Mayor Earl Niven; Construction has begun on the concession stand and the lights.
Everything should be completed by March 29th. _ Annexation Committee: Tony Picklesimer; we have one annexation on the agenda tonight for consideration. _ Senior Citizen/Neighborhood Committee: James V. Ferguson; No report. _Police and Fire Committee: Donald E. King; The annual C.O.P. Award Banquet will be held on February 26th at 6:00 P.M. at Liberty Baptist Church. The City of Chelsea has received a grant for 13 outdoor warning sirens. _ Environmental/Beautification Committee: Juanita J. Champion; the city has received a $50,000.00 grant from Shelby County and will be used at the Hwy 39 park. _ Streets and Roads Committee: Jeffrey M. Denton; we met with a representative from
Alabama Power to discuss the installation of lights at the entrances of some of our sub-divisions for safety purposes.
V. Mayor’s Report:
_ A proclamation declaring February 2008 as “Marriage Month” in the City of Chelsea was presented by Mayor Niven. A motion was made by Juanita Champion and seconded by Jeffrey Denton in approval of this proclamation. A voice vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.”
VI. Council Business:
_ Proposed Ordinance #X-08-02-04-417 for an ordinance establishing the salaries for the Mayor& Councilmembers for the 2008-2012 terms was first introduced at the last council meeting.
A motion to approve this ordinance was made by Juanita Champion and seconded by Tony Picklesimer. A roll call vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.”
_ The Introduction of Proposed Ordinance #DX-08-02-19-418 for a de-annexation
request submitted by James Pugh for a portion of Parcel ID 09-7-26-0-002-016.000 was presented by Mayor Niven. This is only a small portion of the property and is located next to Wal-Mart on Hwy 280. A motion to suspend the rules for immediate consideration for all annexation ordinances was made by Juanita Champion and seconded by Donald King. A roll call vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.” A motion to approve this ordinance was made by Donald King and seconded by Jeffrey Denton. A roll call vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.”
_ The Introduction of Proposed Ordinance #X-08-02-19-419 for an annexation request submitted by Brandon Salser for Parcel ID 15-1-01-0-000-004.000 was presented by Mayor Niven. This property has 32 acres and is located on 810 Salser Lane. A motion in approval of this ordinance was made by Jeffrey Denton and seconded by Juanita Champion. A roll call vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.”
_ Introduction of Proposed Ordinance #08-02-19-420-An ordinance to regulate and abate public nuisances. A motion to accept the first reading of this ordinance for future consideration was made by Juanita Champion and seconded by Donald King. A roll call vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.”
_ Proposed Resolution 2008-02-14-295 for a resolution proclaiming February 23, 2008 as Arbor Day in the City of Chelsea was presented by Mayor Niven. A motion was made by Jeffrey Denton and seconded by Juanita Champion in approval. A voice vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.”
_ Proposed Resolution 2008-02-019-296 for a resolution to honor the fallen public servants of Kirkwood, Missouri was presented by Mayor Niven. A motion to approve this resolution was made by Donald King and seconded by Jeffrey Denton.
A voice vote was taken and it was an unanimous, “Yes.” City Clerk, Becky Landers, will send a signed copy of the resolution to the City of Kirkwood.
_ Proposed Resolution 2008-02-019-297 for a resolution to authorize the Mayor to
negotiate a contractual agreement with AT& Alabama Video Services and enter into contract after an agreement has been established was presented by Mayor Niven. After negotiations are finalized, Mayor Niven will present the contract to the City Council for final approval. A motion to accept the proposed resolution was made by Tony Picklesimer and seconded Donald King. A roll call vote was taken and it was an
unanimous, “Yes.”
VII. Community Forum:
VIII. Adjournment: _ There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Tony
Picklesimer and seconded by Jeffrey Denton.
A voiced vote was taken and it
was an unanimous, “Yes.” Time:
7:45 p.m.
Feb. 4, 2008
The Council of the City of Helena met in a regular scheduled meeting on Monday, February 4, 2008 in the Helena Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m., regular place and time for holding said meetings. Mayor Penhale called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Addie Simmons led prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
Roll Call
Present: Charles W. Penhale, Mayor; Members: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche and Jerry Pate. Absent: Tom Lefebvre and Colleen Lenz. Visitors: Jack Gray, Ruby Rollan and others (list attached). Mayor Penhale declared a quorum present and meeting was opened for business.
5. Minutes Approved/Corrected
Jerry Pate made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the January 14, 2008 meeting with a second by Katherine Ennis and the following votes were cast:
AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche and Jerry Pate. NAY: None. Motion carried.
6. Bills
Jerry Pate made a motion to accept and pay current bills submitted with a second by Barbara Hyche and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche and Jerry Pate. NAY: None. Motion carried.
7. Rick Haley & Margo Price – Sellers, Richardson, Watson, Haley & Dunn, LLP City of Helena and Utilities Board of the City of Helena Financial Audits FYE 9/30/2007 (copy of audits become part of minutes) Rick Haley and Margo Price presented the financial statements for both the City and Utilities addressing the Mayor, City Council and Utility Board members (a draft copy was presented to Mayor, City Council and Utilities before this meeting). After presentation, there being no questions and/or comments in reference to the City of Helena Financial Audit FYE 9/30/2007, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion to accept or reject audit as presented. Jerry Pate made a motion to accept the City of Helena Financial Audit FYE 9/30/2007 as presented from Sellers, Richardson, Watson, Haley & Dunn, LLP with a second by Barbara Hyche and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Jerry Pate and Charles W. Penhale. NAY: None. After presentation, there being no questions and/or comments in reference to the Utilities Board of the City of Helena Financial Audit FYE 9/30/2007, Chairman Penhale entertained a motion to accept or reject audit as presented. Rick Wolfe made a motion to accept the Utilities Board of the City of Helena Financial Audit FYE 9/30/2007 from Sellers, Richardson, Watson, Haley & Dunn, LLP with a second by Addie Simmons and the following votes were cast: AYE: Rick Wolfe, Jerry Pate, Addie Simmons and Charles W. Penhale. NAY: None. Motions carried. Rick Haley wanted to bring to the attention of all that going into FYE 2008, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants passed some new lines and standards that went into effect for year ends after December 15, 2007. The financial statement presentation and disclosure will primarily be the same but the difference will be more detailed analysis, transaction, etc.
8. Misty Robertson-Smith, PHD, LPC – 3025 Bowron Road – Home Occupation License “Sawyers & Associates, Inc.” (copy of letter of request becomes part of minutes) Ms. Robertson-Smith was present at the meeting to answer any questions the Mayor and City Council may have in reference to the request. There being no questions and/or comments, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion. Katherine Ennis made a motion to approve the home occupation license request from Misty Robertson-Smith with a second by Barbara Hyche and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche and Jerry Pate. NAY: None. Motion carried.
9. Dianna Strickland – 110 Lake Davidson Lane – Home Occupation License
“D’s Promos & Specialties, LLC” (copy of letter of request becomes part
of minutes) Ms. Strickland was present at the meeting to answer any questions the Mayor and City Council may have in reference to the request. Jerry Pate asked how the promotional items would be received and where would these items be stored. Ms. Strickland related the items would be ordered from the manufacturer and delivered directly to the end user. There will be no additional traffic to the neighborhood. There being no questions and/or comments, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion. Jerry Pate made a motion to approve the home occupation license request for Dianna Strickland with a second by Katherine Ennis and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche and Jerry Pate. NAY: None. Motion carried.
10. Sonia R. Blumstein – 866 Old Cahaba Drive – Home Occupation License
“Blumstein Public Relations” (copy of letter of request becomes part of minutes)
Ms. Blumstein was present at the meeting to answer any questions the Mayor and City Council may have in reference to the request. There will no signs, no deliveries, etc. per requirements of home occupation license. There being no questions and/or comments, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion. Jerry Pate made a motion to approve the home occupation license request for Sonia Blumstein with a second by Katherine Ennis and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche and Jerry Pate. NAY: None. Motion carried.
11. Shun Li Lin – 475 Helena Marketplace – Liquor License Approval – 040 Retail Beer (On or Off Premises) “Lucky China” (copy becomes part of minutes) Mr. Lin was present at the meeting to answer any questions the Mayor and City Council may have in reference to this approval. There was conversation between the councilmembers about the on or off premises clause. Mr. Lin related the beer would be only in the restaurant. There being no further questions and/or comments, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion. Jerry Pate made a motion to approve the Liquor License request for Retail Beer with stipulation to remove the Off premises and leave ON PREMISES ONLY with a second by Katherine Ennis and the following votes were cast: AYE:
Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche and Jerry Pate. NAY: None. Motion carried.
12. Riverwoods Properties LLC – Riverwoods Commercial Phase II – Final Plat Approval with favorable recommendation from the Helena Planning and Zoning Commission meeting 1/24/2008 Kendall Zettler was present to answer any questions the Mayor and City Council may have in reference to the final plat. Mr. Zettler related that Phase II is adding (8) additional commercial lots, 1 to 2-1/2 acres each lot with city water and sewer. Jerry Pate made inquiry to the Primrose School and the location. Mr. Zettler replied that Primrose School was to be located on Lot 2 which was approved in Phase I. Katherine Ennis asked if there were potential retail occupants on these lots. Mr. Zettler responded regretfully no, but does have Lot 3 under contract but the remainders are available. There being no further questions and/or comments, Mayor Penhale entertained a motion. Jerry Pate made a motion to approve Riverwoods Commercial Phase II Final Plat as presented with a second by Katherine Ennis and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche and Jerry Pate. NAY: None. Motion carried.
13. Ordinance 756-08A – Annexation – Marlene G. Barron – 4857 & 4864 South Shades Crest Road – Parcels 42-22-1-0-15.000-RR-02 and 42-22-1-0-13.000-RR-01
The following ordinances are continuation of property on South Shades Crest Road. Peggy Dunaway related this annexation was timberland only, no residences.
Jerry Pate asked Peggy Dunaway why the skip in number sequence. Peggy Dunaway replied that this ordinance was on the prior agenda but we did not receive signed petition from Mrs. Barron in time for the last meeting. Jerry Pate made a motion to suspend the reading and give immediate consideration to Ordinance 756-08A Annexation with a second by Katherine Ennis and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Jerry Pate and Charles W. Penhale.
NAY: None. Jerry Pate made a motion to adopt Ordinance 756-08A Annexation with a second by Barbara Hyche and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Jerry Pate and Charles W. Penhale. NAY: None. Motions carried.
14. Ordinance 758-08A – Annexation – David B. Darby – 4849 South Shades Crest Road – Parcel 42-22-1-000-003001 Peggy Dunaway related this property was located directly across from Helena Fire Station #3. Jerry Pate made a motion to suspend the reading and give immediate consideration to Ordinance 758-08A Annexation with a second by Katherine Ennis and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Jerry Pate and Charles W. Penhale. NAY: None. Jerry Pate made a motion to adopt Ordinance 758-08A Annexation with a second by Barbara Hyche and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Jerry Pate and Charles W. Penhale. NAY: None. Motions carried.
15. Ordinance 759-08A – Annexation – Frederick D. Smith, Jr. – 4845 South Shades Crest Road – Parcel 42-22-1-000-012000 Peggy Dunaway related this property too was across the street from Helena Fire Station #3. Jerry Pate made a motion to suspend the reading and give immediate consideration to Ordinance 759-08A Annexation with a second by Katherine Ennis and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Jerry Pate and Charles W. Penhale. NAY: None. Jerry Pate made a motion to adopt Ordinance 759-08A Annexation with a second by Barbara Hyche and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Jerry Pate and Charles W. Penhale. NAY: None. Motions carried.
16. Jerry Pate – Salary Increase for City Council Members Effective Next Elected Body (2008) Jerry Pate related that the City Councilmembers and Mayor had not had an increase in salary in twelve (12) years. This increase would not pertain to the present elected body; this would be for the next body of elected officials. A survey had already been done by Pelham as to what Councilmember’s and Mayor’s make in surrounding cities and just wanted to give you an idea of where the City of Helena stands compared with our 4-5 closest neighbors. City of Alabaster – Mayor is paid $3,792.00/month with a $600.00/month vehicle allowance and the Councilmembers are paid $1,083.00/month. – Population in 2000 was 22,619 and estimated in 2006 was 28,240. City of Chelsea – Mayor is paid $600.00/month with an expense allowance of up to $400.00/month and the Councilmembers are paid $200.00/month with an expense allowance up to $100.00/month. Population in 2000 was 2,949 with no current information. City of Pelham – Mayor is paid $8,170.00/month, the Councilmembers are paid $700.00/month and the Council President is paid $800.00/month.
Population in 2000 was 14,369 and estimated in 2006 was 20,120. City of Montevallo was the lowest paid – Mayor is paid $500.00/month and the Councilmembers are in a volunteer position. City of Columbiana – Mayor is paid $1,200.00/month and the Councilmembers are paid $600.00/month.
Population in 2000 was 3,316 and estimated in 2006 was 3,746. City of Helena – Mayor is paid $1,000.00/month with an expense allowance of $400.00/month and the Councilmembers are paid $120.00/month with no expenses.
Population in 2000 was 10,296 and estimated in 2006 was 13,863. Projected this year, based upon the newsletter mail-out to over 6,000 households, if you calculate this to the average of 2.54 people per household, the population would be almost 16,000 people at this time. All of the other cities mentioned were in the process (2) weeks ago of doing what we are doing tonight. Jerry Pate said his proposal, and was brought up to fellow members here, and he did not clear this with the Mayor, the Mayor had nothing to do with this but thinks that his salary should be considered too. This action has to be addressed by this body; you cannot address this type of issue once you go into a new elected term.
The proposal is that we increase the Councilmember’s by $180.00/month which would make the total $3,600.00 annually and that the Mayor’s salary is increased to $1,250.00/month with an expense allowance of $500.00/month which would be a total of $21,000.00 annually. This is just a proposal, there is an ordinance prepared for this increase but at this time will entertain any comments pros or cons from the Council or audience. Katherine Ennis announced that the Councilmember’s did have a Public Work Session on January 29, 2008 at 5:30 P.M. regarding this matter and talked about various options.
This meeting where you see us meeting now is not the only meeting or the only thing that we do as part of this body; we all attend various other meetings, not including the numerous work sessions that we attend. While sitting here, I did a rough calculation looking at the numbers again, and the average counting the volunteer city, comes to $450.00/month that most of the council in the county are making on an average. This proposal is well in line with the salaries of other cities and as Jerry Pate said we cannot vote on a salary for ourselves, this would be a salary for the newly elected Mayor and City Council to be elected in 2008; that is the only way that State law will allow the municipality to do this type of action; this is our last opportunity to make these changes before the upcoming election. Barbara Hyche said that in the ordinance it also has a clause for the cost of living, education, etc. Peggy Dunaway read aloud the proposed Mayor/Council Salary Ordinance verbatim. Jerry Pate said that in Section 2. “meetings attended” should be deleted from the ordinance due to special called meetings, work sessions, etc. and change to read as follows: Section 2. That each Councilmember of the City of Helena, Alabama shall be compensated at the sum of $150.00 per meeting, not to exceed $300.00 per month, $3,600.00 annually. Also, in Section 6.
council needs to be capitalized – Council. Jerry Pate made a motion with the following changes: the word “attended” removed from Section 2.; council being capitalized in Section 6. and give immediate consideration to Ordinance 760-08 Establishing the Monthly Salary of the Mayor and Councilmembers with a second by Katherine Ennis and the following votes were cast: AYE:
Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Jerry Pate and Charles W. Penhale. NAY: None. Jerry Pate made a motion to adopt Ordinance 760-08 Establishing the Monthly Salary of the Mayor and Councilmembers with a second by Barbara Hyche and the following votes were cast: AYE: Katherine Ennis, Barbara Hyche, Jerry Pate and Charles W. Penhale. NAY: None. Motions carried.
There being no further business, Jerry Pate made a motion to duly adjourn meeting at 6:37 p.m.
Indian Springs
April 15, 2008
The Indian Springs Village Town Council met at the Town Hall. The Mayor called the meeting to order. The City Clerk called the roll and noted the presence of Council Members Mayor Steve Zerkis, Herb Robins, Jack Mendel, Brenda Bell-Guercio and Brian Stauss. Administrative Assistant Bart Trammell also attended the meeting. Councilman Stewart Dudley did not attend the meeting.
The minutes of the April 1, 2008 council meeting were reviewed by the Council.
Councilwoman Bell-Guercio made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Mendel. The motion was accepted unanimously.
Mayor Zerkis commented that the glass top for the conference room table had been delivered and installed. Zerkis said it looked great and thanked Stauss for his work on the table and the glass top.
The March 2008 Financial Report was reviewed. Mendel noted that we have completed the second quarter and we are now half way through the fiscal year.
Quarterly CD interest has been accrued to the general fund and one quarter of the annual deprecation has been expensed. A capital funds check in the amount of $18,226.92 was received this week from the Alabama Trust Fund. Mendel stated that the expenses look favorable vs. budget with the exception of the engineering fees. Trammell inquired if the city will attempt to recoup any of the engineering fees and attorney fees incurred from the Maddox case. Zerkis said it was not in the court’s judgment.
Trammell commented that the zoning ordinance states $100 per day fee for non-compliance. There was a discussion about obtaining the fees. Trammell stated the Pelham Water bill for Town Hall is incorrect. According to the bill, water use was almost 5490 gallons, an abnormally high amount. The subsequent bill indicated a use of only 510 gallons indicating that the meter was misread for the March payment. Rasco will contact Pelham Water. Councilman Mendel made a motion to endorse the report, seconded by Stauss. The motion was accepted unanimously.
Mayor Zerkis asked Rasco about the increase in business license fees coming in from building contractors. There was a discussion about putting instructions on the website for contractors on how to obtain and expedite their business license.
Robins reported that Jimmy Rhodes had finished installing street signs at the schools and at the intersection of Caldwell Mill Road and Valleydale Road. A sub-contractor is making brackets for the three Town entry signs soon to be installed. Robins presented the invoice from Adkins Signs that totaled $2,130. The Council agreed to pay Adkins Signs for the completed signs to be installed by Jimmy Rhodes.
Rhodes said that the sign now located by Carousel Tack Shoppe can’t be easily moved because it is set in concrete. He offered to disassemble the sign and reinstall it with new 6 x 6 posts for $400. This was approved by Mayor Zerkis.
Robins inquired of the Council again about having new signs made for the North Shelby Fire Stations. Zerkis has already discussed this with Chief Mike O’Connor. O’Connor would like new signs but requested that we wait to install at Station No. 1 on Valleydale since a five-lane project is in the plans and would affect placement of the sign.
Robins made a formal request to the Council for approval to pursue the sign project. Mendel asked what the price would be. Stauss suggested that Robins work with Chief O’Connor on a design and then get a quote. Bell-Guercio asked about the bond for the purchase of a new fire truck for the North Shelby Fire District. Zerkis stated that he is working on that again since rates have dropped.
He will call a representative at the Alabama League of Municipalities.
Mendel reported that the leaning tree located on Indian Trail that has previously been discussed fell across the road Friday night. Someone has cleaned up and removed the debris.
Zerkis asked Bell-Guercio about the leftover Easter egg hunt toys that are being sent to a soldier stationed in Iraq for distribution to Iraqi children.
Specifically he wanted to know if that soldier’s unit was involved in giving items to the children. Bell-Guercio noted that it instills trust in the children and their mothers. The soldiers also organize and play sports with them.
Zerkis commented that his nephew had been stationed in Afghanistan and his unit collected toys, school materials and sports equipment and gave them to local school children and families.
Zerkis thought that Town residents may be interested assisting a Army unit with this kind of project.
Stauss reported that Brian Rasco is working on a website design. Rasco has questions about using FrontPage for maintenance since Microsoft has discontinued it and replaced it with another product. There was a discussion about the city’s current web hosting company and the city clerk’s email account. Zerkis asked Rasco to check with the county’s IT department about web hosting and email services.
Zerkis reported that he spoke with Deputy Chapman of the Shelby County Sheriff’s Department about enforcing city ordinances. Chapman asked for certified copies of applicable ordinances that will be forwarded to him by Mayor Zerkis. There was a discussion about which ordinances should be forwarded and the speed limit within the town. Bell-Guercio commented that she would like to see stronger enforcement of the speed limit on Highway 119. She is unhappy with the level of enforcement. Stauss suggested having the assigned deputy spend time daily on Highway 119. Mayor Zerkis noted that ordinances dating back to 2005 are on the website, but he would like more of our ordinances posted. There was discussion amongst Stauss, Trammell and Rasco about the other ordinances.
Mayor Zerkis stated that if we have a municipal election this year, we may be required to use electronic voting machines. He will put an article in The Village Voice noting important election related dates.
Zerkis reported that he received pricing from Waste Management for the potential curbside recycling program. The cost would be $4.91 per month, per residence participating.
Waste Management will provide bins and will pick up weekly on a separate run.
The city must have 50% of residents participate to go forward with the program. Zerkis will put a survey in the May issue of The Village Voice. There was discussion about how the 50% will be tracked. There was further discussion about whether a contract between the City and Waste Management will be needed for this service. Zerkis also reported that he had discussed the possibility of adding days for large garbage pickup. A Waste Management representative said it would be cost prohibitive for only an occasional pickup. He suggested placing a dumpster at a central location for a few days at a time on a periodic basis.
The Council discussed the pros and cons of this suggestion. Trammell suggested implementing a property tax to pay for quarterly large garbage pick up.
The Mayor noted the Fourth of July Celebration will be on Friday, July 4.
Zerkis asked the Council if there were things they would like to see changed.
Trammell said we need more volunteers for clean up after the event. Bell-Guercio suggested doing away with the barbeque and just have the parade and desserts. There was a discussion about possibly having the event fully catered in the future. Robins stated that if we have the event catered, the caterer could provide servers and related services. He will call Jim and Nicks and inquire about price. Bell-Guercio asked if she should contact the DJ that has been used previously or if we are planning to have a live band. The Council discussed music and the cost.
Mendel looked at last year’s financial reported and noted that the DJ only charged $120.
The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m. but then briefly reconvened to give an update to the Council on Bishop Creek. Zerkis reported that ADEM will do a series of tests on the creek at five locations twice during the summer.